Spinning Bottle

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I opened the door and welcomed Luke and Eddie in. Matt waved, "HELLO!!!" Luke had gotten his hair combed neatly, which was confusing. This hangout was nothing special. Eddie had a huge grin on his face. I laughed at his shirt, "Very clever!"

Front: I'm a NERD!🤓 Back: Deal with the awesomeness. 😎

Everything was set! Movies on display, a bowl of mixed candy, chip bags, popcorn, and games stacked on the coffee table. "We have until midnight! My siblings are here and my mom will fix us some dinner at 6 o'clock. Let's get started!" I lowered my voice. "But around midnight, I suggest we pretend we're asleep. Veronica said that she had something for all of us to do around 11:40. I don't trust her." They both nodded, and we got the first movie running.



Jenga blocks lay in a heap and scattered everywhere, including the bowl of candy. "Whoa! Luke started picking out the wooden bricks from the container of sweets. 

"You don't understand! I have to kill you!" a forceful voice broke from the TV. It showed a blonde-haired young boy pointing a wand at a very old man with a long beard. Luke huffed. "Snape kills Dumbledore, we get it." I glanced at the clock then leisurely moved onto the couch, yawning. I tilted my head down and forced my body to commit the slackness of sleep. The boys nodded and followed in the action. I felt Luke stretching his arm across my back and found myself leaning my head onto his shoulder. 

I heard footsteps, then Veronica's yell. "What in the WORLD?" Luke quickly retracted his arm.  All of our eyes were open now, and my mom walked out of her room. "W-...why are you kids still awake?" She strained. "We were just heading to bed." Veronica grinned at me and Luke, both of us blushing hard. "Come on I'll meet you in Rachel's room." "Ummm, why not you go first?" Eddie asked hopefully.

"Nah, I'm fine."

"Come on, guys." I sighed. "There's no use fighting it." The three of us walked up the stairs, Veronica blocking the steps we left behind like a green-haired sentry. Once we were inside, she shut the door and ordered us to stay. She walked through our bathroom and disappeared into her room. (We have a Jack and Jill.) "Do you know what she's getting? Luke asked. I shrugged. She reappeared with an empty 2-liter Sprite bottle. Eddie threw up his hands. "Nope! You're not making me do that!" he went to leave but Veronica stepped in front of the door. "Come on, kid. Just play the game and you can leave." Luke had a face of indecision like he was trying to weigh the pros and cons. "What the hey are we doing?" I asked. "Sit down children." She said as if it was the worst word in the world. Ha, ha. Try saying that 10 times fast! The worst word in the world, worst word in the- what were we doing? Oh yeah, what are we playing? Veronica sat down, finishing the circle of middle schoolers on the feathery carpet.

She set the bottle in the middle of the circle, "Who wants to go first?" I put my hand over my face. Great, just great. Spin the Bottle. How original. I remembered my secret stash of candy under the bed. I backed up against the mattress and snuck a bag of Hershey's Kisses behind my back. I hoped Veronica wouldn't notice. Everyone was completely silent. "Okay then." She decided. "I'll go first, then Rachel, Eddie, and finally Luke."

"Whatever. Let's just get this over with." Eddie grumbled. My big sister spun the bottle. It went 'round and 'round and 'round, then finally slowed to a stop at Luke. Both of their eyes widened, and it was clear that Veronica hadn't thought this through all the way. She eventually, but reluctantly gave Luke a small peck on the cheek.  "Excuse me while I gag." Luke made gagging motions. "I second that motion," Veronica said. It was my turn. Vew, vew, vew- The pitcher went. As it slowed down, I realized it was going to land on Luke. He must have too because his cheeks flushed and stared at me. What? I wanted to ask. Then Eddie squeaked something and I turned to see. "Welp-" "Can we take a pass," Eddie asked. 


He and I moved closer and at the last second, I dropped one of the chocolates into his hand. Veronica scowled, then took the bag away. "That was your one pass. You don't get any more." I think Eddie and I were just relieved. He twirled the bottle and watched it gravely. It came to a halt just past Veronica. She chuckled nervously. "Aha! It's not pointing to me!" 

"Yeah. You're not getting out of this." I said, arms crossed. "Sorry, Eddie." He shrugged. "If it brings her to justice." She threw a Hershey's Kiss at Eddie. "HA!" "Yay. More chocolate for me." Eddie unwrapped and gulped the candy. I glowered, then told Luke to go. Vew, vew, vew- it went again. A tiny smile appeared on his lips when it stopped, but it diminished quickly. Probably since there were two other people in the room. He leaned in to kiss me, and I dodged and let him have my cheek instead. Close one.


Luke hugged me awkwardly at the door and we said our goodbyes to Eddie, who would be leaving in the morning. "See you in January?" I asked. He smiled. "I hope so."


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