Chapter 2

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(Edited: 5/27/2020)

The bell rang signalling the class ending.

"Everyone please make sure you turn in your science notebook and textbook on the front of my desk." Mr. Dezz says.

I put my notebook and textbook where they were supposed to go and left the classroom.

"Hey Mika what class do you have next?"

I turn around to see Ezor rushing between one of the rows of desks.

I stop and wait for her to catch up.

I look at my schedule and look back at Ezor, who was now standing next to me. We start walking out of the classroom so we aren't crowding the room.

"Um Math." I said.

Her shoulders slump for a milisecond before springing back up like they never did.

"Ah shoot I have Demon History next, but that's okay. I'll show you to the Math room if you want me to." She said.

"I don't want you to be late to your next class, but thanks for the offer." I said.

We both stop walking at one of the sides of the hallway.

"Alrighty Holy Wings the classroom number is 767D oh and one more thing," she pauses and looks at me with a poker face. I gulp silently at her facial expression.

"Make sure you pay attention at all times, because I swear, she can catch you not looking at the board even if you are in the back of the classroom. She can spot you from a mile away, or 2 rows away."she finished with the same expression non-chalant

I give her a crooked smile.

"O-okay I'll make note of that." I squeaked.

As sudden as her expressionless face appeared, her bubbly happy smile returned.

"Alright, see ya later!" She says and starts skipping down the hallway.

"I can already tell, this is going to be a very long day." I grumbled to myself, before walking to 767D, where ever that is.

Sorry for the bad chapter, I had a writers block writing this.
Anyways, thanks for reading this chapter!
(Word count: 343)

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2020 ⏰

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