Nail Shop, Chicago

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"UGGGGHHHH!" Olivia threw down her nail file, startling her employees, as she walked to the shop window

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"UGGGGHHHH!" Olivia threw down her nail file, startling her employees, as she walked to the shop window. She looked out over the streets of Chicago wondering where all the excitement was. "Chicago was supposed to be the adventure of a lifetime! Where is my adventure!?" she thought to herself.

Olivia Davis stood at the window of her nail art salon watching people pass along the streets, going about their everyday lives. Some were laughing, some were angry, but they all looked like they had done this same thing a million times before.

"How can they just be okay with the same thing over and over again!?" she asked to no one in particular.

"You mean like you do everyday?" her coworker and friend asked her.

"Thanks for reminding me, Sarah." Olivia rolled her eyes at her friend, but also let a small smile slip from her mouth. She pulled her long blonde ponytail over her shoulder and began picking at stray strands of hair.

"Don't forget," another coworker, Brianna, chimed in excitedly, "we're going to see my boy's interview tonight. That should be fun." Olivia turned around and started the walk back to her station.

"Fun is fun. I want adventure. Exciting, spontaneous, not ordinary." Olivia made sure to emphasize the word ordinary. "I moved from the South to get away from ordinary. It's been over two years now and I still do the exact same thing every single day."

"That's life, hun," Sarah said a bit sarcastically as she passed her on the way to the stock room. Olivia snarled and went back to straightening her station as another ordinary customer came into the shop.


Five o'clock came before Olivia expected it. She was looking forward to going to this interview - I mean, hot guys, people, tv show, it would be fun. She couldn't deny that she was at least a little excited. She didn't know the group very well, but Brianna was totally into them, and made her promise to go along. She agreed only on the condition the girls would help her go back and clean up the shop. Since they originally closed at six, leaving at five would mean leaving right after appointments with no time to get ready for the next day. So at five they all grabbed their purses and their jackets and headed the three blocks to where the interview was being done.

There were way more people waiting than the girls had anticipated. However, no one messed with Brianna's chance to see her boys. This was only their second time being in Chicago, since they lived in South Korea, and she wasn't missing them this time. She grabbed onto Olivia's hand and 'excuse me'ed herself up to the front, close to the roped off section. Olivia was a tad on the short side, and pointed this out to Brianna when she stopped behind a tall girl. Sarah laughed audibly at the look on Olivia's face. So they all scooted closer together and eventually Sarah and Olivia changed places. Unfortunately for Sarah, that put her right next to Brianna's loud screaming as the guys walked on stage.

The guys were very handsome, just as Olivia knew they would be. Where she stood, after trading places with Sarah, she had a good view of each of them as they walked on stage. The first couple of guys walked on stage to the crowd's enormous applause. The third guy must have been Brianna's favorite because Olivia's ears were still ringing when she caught sight of the fourth guy to walk up. "Now, he looks NICE!" she heard herself say in her head. He walked up to the stage, tall and straight, just like a model would walk across a stage. He had one hand in his pants pocket, the other hung by his side. He wore a brown blazer over a white shirt, which made his olive skin glow underneath the setting sun. She caught herself staring at him, which caused him to look in her direction. And once he saw her, he couldn't stop looking back at her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2020 ⏰

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