
136 4 74

Important or limited roles taken- eggs and hatchlings are open

King - 1/1
Queen - 1/1
Mother - 1/2
Expecting Mother - 1/1
Hatchlings - 4/9
Eggs - 0/3
Doctor - 1/2

Dragons open to mates/crushes- (Name, gender, rank, Open to?)

Mist, Female, Warrior, Crush and Mate

Mothers open to hatchlings- (Name, rank, #/# Open hatchlings)

Ocean, Mother, 1/3 hatchlings

Shifter, Expecting Mother, 0/3 eggs


Mate? (If you out Open I'll add you to the list):
Crush? (If you out Open I'll add you to the list):
Hatchlings? (If you out Open I'll add you to the list):
Appearance (make sure to be detailed. Make sure to add eye color, scale color, scars, etc.):
Size (small, medium, large):
Wing span (short, normal, long):
Tail length (short, normal, long):
Extra powers? (Can be denied):
Major no noes (dislikes):

Should I add anything?

There will be an allegiance page soon.

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