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    I shake my head. "I don't know, Mr Park, I'm gonna have to think about this for a bit." "Well you're gonna have to give me an answer right away, Daniel. And please! Call me Jay." I nod my head and take a seat at one of the set up tables. I cross my arms and rest my head on my hand as I think of an answer. I know I wanted to make my life more interesting, but this might be a little bit too much you know? On the other hand, this is way too cool. I mean. Ninja Spies!? I don't want my memory erased from something like this. The two boys that spoke to Park a bit ago take a seat in front of me. One of the boys, fit, bangs, begin to speak to me as I look up to see them. "Hey dude, I hear you're offered the option of becoming an agent." I nod silently. "I'm Aaron. Platinum tier." He points to the boy next to him. He has darker skin, glasses, and a clean cut. "This is my friend Jordan. He's a beginner in the agency so he's a Bronze tier." Wait wait wait what's this about tiers? Aaron and I shake hands. "I'm Daniel. I don't really know what I'm up for, man." Jordan nods. "Bro for real. At first, I didn't wanna do it. But, Aaron showed me how cool this thing is, so I joined." Aaron nods at Jordan and looks back at me. "See, this opportunity doesn't come often dude, you either take it or never hear about this again. I see diamond tier in your future bro." I smile. "You really think so?" Jordan and Aaron nod. "Just do it, I'm sure it will change your life. Jordan here attended his first assembly last month. It'd be great to make a new friend in the force." Yep, these two guys just convinced me to join the WPA. I stand up and make my way to Park's desk area in the ballroom. "Mr Park, I mean Jay, I'm in."
    "It's good to hear that Daniel! We haven't had a new member for a couple of months now." He hands me a Bronze ninja star. "Thank you Jay." He smiles. "This months assembly is tomorrow, obviously," as he spreads his arms out emphasizing the ballroom. "Show that Star to the front desk to get in. Those stars can act as keys to get down here." I look at the single bronze ninja star. Four spikes as sharp as the blade of a knife, and a thumb sized hole dead center. The glare is so clear I can see my reflection in the low lighted ballroom. "And we're settled! See you tomorrow Daniel!" Jay and I shake hands. "Thanks!" I meet back with Aaron and Jordan at the ballroom door. Jordan says, "Congrats man! You're an official agent!" I take a look at my star and look back at the two. "This is cool and all, but I don't even know the first thing about being a ninja spy!" Aaron laughs. "Okay first, we're not even close to ninjas. Second, spies make us sound like spy kids. We're just referred to as agents." I nod. "And third, meet with us tomorrow during the assembly. I bet you need a couple dudes to show you the ropes!" I laugh, "Thanks guys, if I'm gonna learn how to do all this agent business, at least I got a fresh start."

I walk out of the hotel and grab my gallon of water from the bench and begin to walk home. I check my phone. Crap, it's 11:30. I hope my mom doesn't become suspicious. You know what, I probably should tell her as soon as I get home. I finally arrive and open the door to see my mom eating dinner on the table. "You're back! That took a while. Does it really that that long to walk to the far Walmart?" I shake my head. I put the water jug down on the countertop and take a seat in front of my mom. "Mom, can I tell you something?" "Yeah, what is it?" "Look, I know you aren't gonna believe this but," I begin to tell her about my encounter with Read, and his introduction to the WPA. She looks at me confused. "This is a bit hard to believe." I nod, and begin to tell her about Park, Aaron and Jordan, and the choices provided. "Park asked me to either take the opportunity, or get my mind erased. I spoke to Aaron and Jordan about it, and I took the offer." I pull out my bronze ninja star. "These ninja stars seem to be the main representation of the WPA. My first assembly is tomorrow." My mom nods in understanding. "This is all new, and I'm glad you finally got involved in something, but this doesn't seem safe." I shrug. "Then again mom, I don't want my memory erased. This seems like serious business. I should at least get the hang of this. This looks so interesting!" "Well, I guess it's okay with me. You should get to bed. Your first 'assembly' is tomorrow, and we don't want you tired on the first day. I'll tell Dad when he comes home." I stand up. Thanks mom, this is gonna be cool." "Daniel one more thing," "Yeah?" "You forgot the bananas."

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