Finally Perfect

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Everyone had left school except me, Benny, and probably Rory. Benny was taking me to the back of the school. I was slightly nervous, but just found Rory standing back there against the wall, waiting patiently. He winked at me when I got there, and Benny shot him a glare.

"Are you ready?" Benny asked me.

"I have to be," I said. He was going to prove to me that vampires are real.

"I'm definitely ready," Rory smirked.

"Just stop," Benny told Rory while shaking his head.

"Well, are you going to show me?" I was getting impatient. If Benny was lying I was going to be very disappointed.

"Okay, Natalie; I wouldn't lie to you. Vampires are real. Here you go," he motioned his hand towards Rory to give him the signal.

Rory hissed at me; sharp fangs were pointing up and down. His eyes were a mysterious strange bright green color, and to be honest, he looked crazier than usual. I was 99.9% sure that it was real, but I had some questions.

"Are you sure you didn't use weird contacts and fake fangs?" I questioned.

"I promise. Watch," Rory said. He pulled his fangs back and his eyes went back to their original color. "I don't think special effects can do that," he said.

"Okay, I believe you guys, but, how?" I was shocked.

"I don't know. I was more scared than you were when I found out that Sarah's a vampire," Benny said.

"Wait... Vampires suck people's blood," I got a look of fear in my eye, worried that someone might bite me.

"I won't bite you, unless you confess your love for me. If I bite you, we can live together forever," Rory got a crazy look in his eye, but not the vampire look that he had earlier.

"No; please don't. I don't want to be a vampire," I pleaded.

"If you bite her, I'll bite you," Benny threatened him.

"You're not a vampire, right?" I asked.

"No, but I will," he said while still staring at Rory.

"Okay; fine. The thought of you biting me makes me want to throw up a rat," Rory made a disgusted face.

"Ew!" I made the same face.

If he thought being a vampire would make me think he was hot and cool, he was way wrong. I don't like guys who suck blood and eat rats. That's disgusting.

"Aw man!" Rory grunted when he realized that he had made his small chance with me even smaller (he actually never had a chance with me. I still liked Benny).

"It's okay, Rory. I'll still be friends with you," I half smiled while the thought of Rory throwing up a rat was still stuck in my head.

"I guess that's okay, but you'll come around soon."

I was still shocked about the vampire thing; I didn't seem like it, but I was. Benny and I had renewed our friendship, and I now know what was once his big secret. We are truly friends.

I went home and told Marley everything. I convinced her that it was real, and she was relieved. We were both so happy that we could just hang out together without planning something against Benny when he didn't even do anything. I was also happy to be friends with Benny again. Everything was perfect again. I would have to get used to my friends being vampires, but that's okay. I can trust them. I'll have to make sure Erica doesn't pull anything, but I don't think she will. It was perfect for the moment. I was finally fully happy again.

My Key to OutsideOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora