Just Dance

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It was Thursday. I had invited Sarah, Erica, and the boys to my house. Marley was practically living there at the time so she was automatically invited.

The boys got there first, and five minutes later, the girls were there. I guess they were "fashionably late."

"So, what do we do now?" Erica asked

"I honestly don't know. You think of something," I said.

"You're the one who invited us. You find something or I'm leaving," she said. "I have other things I could be doing."

"Like sucking some innocent people's blood," I said.

"I need that to live, okay?" she sassed.

"Not if you order it like me," Sarah joined in.

"Yeah but where's the fun in that?" Erica wondered.

"Can we do something besides talking about blood?" Rory asked, probably being tortured from hearing about it and knowing he can't have any of it right now.

"I'd love to," I said.

We eventually just went in my house and got some snacks and talked.

"Sorry I have nothing fun to do," I said.

"You have video games?" Benny asked.

"Actually, I do, but not your kind of video games," I smirked.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

I took everyone to the living room and pulled out a game: Just Dance.

"You've got to be kidding me," Ethan groaned.

"Blame Benny for bringing up video games," I said.

"Yeah, but, this isn't what I meant," Benny defended himself.

"C'mon; it'll be fun!" I smiled.

"Yeah! Let's play it!" Marley smiled with me.

"I'll play," Rory said. He just wanted to please Marley and I.

"Of course YOU will," Benny said.

"Anything for my ladies," Rory put his arm around Marley and I. I immediately sighed and removed myself from his side-hug. Marley giggled and hesitated a little bit before following me.

We walked to the living room and I set up the game.

"Okay; who's ready to dance?" I said like I was a football coach.

Erica and Ethan both groaned.

"Maybe we should try it out," Benny said.

"There can only be so many players, so I'll stay out," Erica said.

"It'll be fun!" Sarah told her.

Erica gave her a look before she grunted "fine."

"Ladies first," Benny smiled.

Since there were four girls, we all got to play. We chose 'What Makes You Beautiful' by One Direction. I've learned that Erica is a fan of the movie Dusk. Sarah used to love it, too, before the vampire drama came. Marley and I are more for music than movies. We love One Direction, but I now realize that we haven't talked about them to our new friends.

The dance started. I've done it before, so I mostly know what to do. We laughed at how bad of dancers some of us are. Erica and Sarah are actually really good. Erica was the winner.

"I didn't even know the dance and I still won," she bragged.

"I haven't played this in a while," I said.

"I've NEVER played it," Erica kept smiling.

"Our turn!" Rory exclaimed.

Rory, Ethan, and Benny stood up and chose a song.

I got my phone out to record this because it would be hilarious.

They were doing horrible. We just sat there laughing at them.

"You can do better than that!" Sarah said.

"We're trying!" Ethan yelled.

"C'mon, Rory! You've got this!" Marley smiled.

"I can do this!" Rory exclaimed.

I didn't even think on it too much. I was laughing too hard.

"Where's the popcorn?" Erica joked.

"We aren't that bad," Benny said.

"Oh yes, yes you are!" I laughed.

They finally stopped and we looked at who won. It was Benny.

"Yes!" He jumped.

Rory walked over to Marley. "I did my best," he said.

"That's good enough," Marley smiled.

Benny walked to Erica and held her hand in the air and said "we're the winners!"

Erica smiled but then quickly took her hand away. It's never easy to tell if Benny is flirting or just being his goofy self. It doesn't matter, though. Erica doesn't like him, right?

"Congratulations!" I gave Benny a high five.

"Thanks!" he said.

We played just dance some more. It was the most fun I've ever had with them. All of us together is always the most fun. We need to make the most of this, because soon, Marley will have to leave. I don't want to think of it. We'll have fun while we can.

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