Done Trying {Chapter 12}

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Zayn's POV

"Fuck." I yelled. I can't believe I told her how I felt and she just left me hanging. She's driving me to insanity.

I stared at the door from my bed, my eyes never left it. I've been staring at this door for over an hour. Where the hell is she?

I needed to talk to her. I'm worried, where could she be? I hope she's alright.

My eyes were getting tired and all I wanted to do was go to sleep but I need to talk to her. I need to know that she likes me back. And if she doesn't I think I might just die of humiliation.

My eyes shot open when I heard her opening the door. I sat up. This is it. She unlocked the door, holding a iced coffee in one hand. She went out to get coffee? And i'm sitting here waiting for her for an hour. What. The. Hell.

"I thought you'd fallen asleep by now." She says in a low and insecure voice.

I shook my head. "Who can fall asleep when they've got tons of things going through their mind?"

She sat down on the edge of my bed cautiously. "Zayn." She sighs. "I don't think I can make time for a relationship right now."

I raised an eyebrow. You've got to be kidding me. "You had an hour to make up a good excuse and that's what you came up with?" I laughed bitterly. reality I was just frustrated, confused, but now I'm mad.

"It's not an excuse." She says, ignoring my rude tone."I just don't think I have time to be in a relationship right now." She said in her soothing voice. Gosh, why is she such a good person?

"You don't have time? If you actually liked me, you'd make time. But I guess not." This is pathetic and humiliating.

"No, Zayn, that's not it." She says in a weak voice.

"Save it. I'm done trying."


The music was blaring loudly through my ears. A crowd of sweaty and drunk university students danced to the beats.

I saw Hailey, and waved at her. She smiles, walking up to me. "Hey Hail." I pulled her into a hug.

"Where's Elena?" Was the first thing she asked and my mood quickly changed. I didn't want to talk about her. I didn't want to think about her.

"I don't know, studying or something." I said, taking her red cup half way filled with beer and put it to my lips, chugging it down. I need more. Throwing the cup, I grab the nearest beer bottle and began to drink it.

"Take it easy, buddy." Hailey says, pulling the beer away from me.

"Hailey, give it to me." I spat. She was taken aback by my attitude. She raised an eyebrow, she knew something was up. I'm not ready to talk about it though.

"What happened?" What did I tell you? Do I know my best friend or what?

"Nothing, I just want my beer." I searched the room for beer and I spot a pack across the room. I bit my lip, eager to get my hands on it. Hailey pulled me back.

"Zayn." She said in her annoying motherly tone.

"Hailey please, I'm just exhausted and I want to drink. What's wrong with that?" I questioned. She won't believe it for a second.

"You don't drink, remember?" She had a look of confusion. My face mirrored hers. When the hell did I say that?

"Maybe I should start." I whispered, sprinting to the beer bottles waiting for me to chug. Phew, I lost her.

I love her for caring but she's definitely a pain in the ass.

Author's Note:

Hi.... Don't kill meh.

I know i've been gone for 4 months. I've been reallyyyyyyyyyyy busy with school. And life. I really haven't had the chance to sit down and write for you guys. I know this chapter is short but I promise the next one will be longer. I have a lot planned for this book! Hope you enjoyed this little chappy.

Kisses :*

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