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There was things some people couldn't understand and one of those things was the art of life and how frail it was for the people who understood it.

Sometimes there was things one couldn't understand and most knew that they were realists the ones who accepted things for the way things were.

That was the way Mathew thought he knew he had to be wise even in battle a wise killer was a good one but sometimes good wasn't just good enough even in relationships.

He sat in the living room as he left the little girl in his room to sleep as he held a blade in his hand as it has a black and silver handle as skulls were on the sheath as he pulled out the blade to see that there was thorn designs on it as he held the blade.

In this world he only knew there was wolves and demon wolves but there was also the sages and lastly the demons and the blade he wielded can kill a demon straight up including a demon wolf.

He was one himself but the others didn't know that as he knew that Tay and Gina was one but Tay was another case since he is a descendant of an god which makes it weird that he senses demon in him.

'I guess that's why they call him the Demon of Fenrir' He thought as he held his blade remembering the people he killed even the wolves as he stood up.

He reminisced in silence as he sheathed the blade with a small smile on his face as he remembered all of his hard work on one weapon "You like you kill?" He turned around to see the little girl looking at him as she looked at the weapon he held.

"What makes you think that?" She pointed to her nose "I can smell it, I don't know the word for it but you got excited it as you looked at the weapon...." She grabbed her left earlobe as she took a step forward.

"And I can hear your heartbeat racing" He started chuckling as he put the weapon down on the couch "It was my own art if you can say that" She looked confused as she scrunched up her face.

"Art? I thought art is coloring?" He laughed a bit as he stood in front of her in the hallway shirtless in black and red basketball shorts.

"Art is a expression of something you like that is used by everyone around the world, hunting is a art and something we wolves do and the most hated is killing they're even punished for it by death because that kind of art takes lives" She looked like she was understanding slightly as she looked at her hands.

"So what's your art uncle Mathew?" He started to smile as he looked at the couch and grabbed his dagger "I'm glad you asked" He stood in front of her as he unsheathed the dagger "You can't tell no one about this okay? It'll be our little secret" She nodded eagerly wanting to know what it was.

His eyes became red as the sclera went black as light covered the dagger as it became a sword as she was in shock "My art is killing those with my beautiful light that is also evil I call it Demons salvation it can even slay your father" She looked at it as she wanted to get that strong.

She was a bit worried that there was someone in her presence that can kill her father but that will never happen as she wanted to hold it.

She watched him hand it to her as she grabbed it as her eyes started to show as the light got brighter and brighter as Mathew got rid of it before it became dangerous.

He was now intrigued as she was looking at her hands as he couldn't believe what he just saw she had intensified his power by a lot.

He watched the spark of hunger in her eyes and he couldn't ignore it he knew now she wanted to perfect her craft and he knew he was gonna help her.

"I see it in your eyes, you wanna know what else can you do don't you? Don't worry I'll help you" She started smiling as he knew that this girl could be something powerful.

Outside Diane's house was her and Jack as they was naked still as he watched her rest on his chest "I can't believe you turned, I was scared that you had died on me" She had looked up at him and tapped the tip of his nose.

"Don't ever lose faith in me okay?" He nodded as he started kissing her as she got in his lap as he looked at her eyes a glowing blue that looked at him sexually as he smiled 'I can get used to this' He thought as she started kissing his neck.

Out in a small town there was a group of people as they stood in front of a chained boy as a man showed up in a black robe, as he stood six feet and five inches tall as he was black bald man obviously hiding muscle under the black robes.

"Well well, how is it Devon'Tay or is it just Tay now?" He growled as his eyes flashed showing that he was annoyed "The one who defies all....Julius "The Saint" Johnson or do you prefer your war name from back then?" He started laughing as he started smiling.

"You've always been a funny guy Tay I'll give you that~ you've always amused me even up to the point where you fought me and I gotta say you were a very powerful opponent....for a Demon" Tay face was straight and not giving out anything as the man now known as Julius shook his head.

"It's weird...how does a descendant of a god obtain the power of a demon?" He didn't say anything as he could only stare at his chained prisoner.

"What also concerns me is of that darkness is your demonic power then what the hell is wolf power? The one that helped you almost kill a Prince" They started staring at each other as he made his onlookers leave the room.

Once they was gone he crossed his arms as he got rid of the smiles "Something always troubled me about them...the eight prince's how they're all so powerful but then I realized that they're descendants of a god like some of you......" That was when he locked eyes with Tay as he did the same.

"They're descendants of Fenrir too aren't they?....And you're a Prince too aren't you? That's probably why you risked it all because you knew you could take them if you had to~ no regular wolf goes that far for a girl unless....." Tay started to clench his teeth as Julius scrunched his face up.

"That little girl Tay.....she's who I think she is isn't she?" They stared at each other as Tay started to smile slightly as he began to chuckle to himself "Yeah....she's my daughter~ my actual daughter and she doesn't know it and she was why there was rumors about there being a tenth prince" He scrunched up his face as he watched Tay look at the ground as his eyes widened.

"That rumor? But if she's your daughter then that would mean you~" He watched Tay smirk in his face as he suddenly became disgusted "You was the most evil one of them all~ the most vile" He backed away as Tay's eyes started to glow as his canines showed with his smirk.

"That's right you know my moniker from back then...the one you didn't dare utter, I was practically another boogeyman" Tay started chuckling as he watched his face became even more disgusted.

"You deserve to be caged FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE!! Those people you...you tore them apart~ you mutilated them" He stared at Tay with utter disgust "You should be ashamed of yourself...but you aren't are you?" He stood there as he started leaning on the wall.

"Not even in the slightest~ I enjoyed every second of it and I don't regret it" Julius raised his left hand as the symbols on the chains glowed as Tay seen a flash of blue as he felt something suppressing him.

"You're gonna be here a while~old friend" He shrugged his shoulders as Julius was walking away "I don't mind since after all you...always wanted to kill me" He said as Julius made his way up the stairs as he sat down on the concrete floor.

There was bars on the wall in front of him as he can tell it was getting dark out as he sighed 'If she knew about the things I've done she would never be with a man like me' He thought as he put his head back against the wall.

'Might as well prepare to not leave here for a while especially since the others won't be able to find me and there's no way in hell their beating Julius' He thought as he yawned 'Might as well take a nap' He laid down fully as he let sleep claim him in its temperature-less grasp and it's never ending darkness.

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