Mindless; Chains of Fenrir Unleashed

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Stephon walked in the woods alone as his motorcycle was parked on the road as he remembered the day he seen the descendant of Fenrir for the first time.

He didn't like how he claimed her as his mate like that it just wasn't natural as he swung his hand knocking earth and a few small branches through the air.

"You seem to be frustrated Stephon" He turned as he seen someone he didn't expect as he was a bit shocked to see the man.

He didn't look as old but he was the Great Sage an Hawaiian man named Malcom Andrew Yorba Sykes~ a mouthful but that's who he was as his black hair was spiky looking as his fade still looked new.

"N-No Sir, I'm fine" He chuckled as he walked past him as he looked at the sun through the tree branches "It doesn't take a blind man to feel your rage festering like a flame son" Stephon watched him still looking up as the birds flew around as squirrels started to appear as a family of four Deer showed up.

He turned around and faced Stephon as a bird landed on his right shoulder "Is your rage worth the existence of all of us? You know the name of my power...Eden" He knew that there was no way in hell he could face off against him as he looked at him as his eyes glowed a white-ish gold for a split second.

"I know I can't take you on but even with my rage at least it's real with real reasoning"

"Every angry man has real reasoning, I'm asking you will you be able to follow through with your anger? Keep in mind this is another life your thinking about taking another person~ wolf or not" He didn't think about it that way but because of his reasoning doesn't mean he was gonna change his.

"I'll fight for what I want regardless of what I gotta do" There was a quick silence as he started to laugh as he walked up to Stephon and rested his left hand on his right shoulder.

"If that's how you feel then I trust you not to destroy the rest of us it won't be fair to the rest of us if you put us in danger~understand?" He nodded in agreement as he walked away from Stephon.

"Good luck...you're gonna need it champ" He continued his walk out the woods as he knew what to do next but to be cautious.

He made it back to his motorcycle as he pulled off heading for the park by the school as I had already texted Ashanti to meet me there.

'Things for the past couple weeks I have been doing fine every since the mutt left Ashanti's side' Stephon thought to himself as he turned another corner 'All I need to do is hurry up and wrap things up before it's too late' He thought as pulled up to a park as he could see her on a bench.

He took his helmet off and turned the bike off as he kicked the kickstand up for his bike as he put the helmet on the left handle as it hung there.

She wore a red polo shirt with jeans and red vans as she looked beautiful in his eyes as he wore his same outfit from the bar.

He walked up to her as she stood up and smiled slightly as he reached out to hug her "It's good to see you~ you look like you're in a good mood" He told her as she smiled a bit more.

"I guess you can say that" She said as she held her hands behind her back "Well I wanna talk to you for a while get to know you a little more" Stephon said as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

"After all what type of friend would I be if I didn't know my favorite friend?" He said as she pushed him playfully "I'm not your favorite friend boy *laughs* I'm pretty sure you got plenty of those" Ashanti said as Stephon stopped her in front of a wall climb for the kids as he looked at her in the eyes.

"I only want one of those" He said gently as she looked him in his face "W-We can't do this" She started to tell him as he put her braid behind her ear.

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