The Move In

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Chapter 1: The Move In

It was a beautiful autumn morning in the countryside of Montana.

Driving down the road through the breeze of the beautiful red, orange, and yellow leaves, a brand new white Ford pickup truck was on its way to its brand new home. Inside the truck, Tom was driving, while Maddie sat in the passenger seat next to him. They looked at each other and gave a loving smile, before looking up at the rearview mirror, watching their friend/adopted son with equal love.

Sonic the Hedgehog sat in the back of the truck, playfully waving his hand up and down through the breeze out the window, his other hand on Ozzy's back as he laid obediently on his lap. Behind him, strapped down to the bed of the truck, were a bunch of boxes and suitcases full of the family of three's belongings.

After the defeat of Dr. Robotnik, it was clear that Sonic did not want to leave this planet. He had made friends with everybody in Green Hills, especially Tom and Maddie, and Ozzy too. He did not want to lose all that, so Tom and Maddie decided to adopt him. He was overjoyed, meaning that he would finally have a family, and friends to stay with. Of course, he was not obligated to call them mom or dad, but he was free to do so if he ever wanted to.

But now that the three were a family, Maddie thought that it was time that they moved into a bigger house, somewhere far away from the town, where Sonic will have plenty of room to run around and blow off steam, and not be caught by the government either.

At first, Sonic was afraid. Afterall, he had got into a fight with Tom about his decision on leaving Green Hills for San Francisco before, so when he had heard that they were moving, he was ready to argue until one of them caved. But when they had told him that they were only moving to the countryside and staying close to Green Hills, Sonic was quite excited for the move. Afterall, it would be a brand new adventure for the three of them. So that's what they were doing. They were leaving the small town of Green Hill Montana and moving to a big house in the countryside that Maddie had found.

Of course, the small town would still be close enough for Maddie and Tom to go to work, and for Sonic to go to school.

"How much farther is it? Can't you just tell me, I can run there in just a few seconds!" Sonic asked impatiently, scooting forward in his seat as he looked at the two adults. The pair only chuckled, shaking their heads. By now they were far too used to Sonic's antics.

"Not much farther, Sonic." Maddie promised after a long moment of silence as if trying to judge just how eager the hedgehog really was. "Just right around this bend."

Just as she said that, Tom turned to the right. Sonic quickly moved to the left side of the truck, nearly tripping over his bag of snacks he insisted he needed to survive such a long trip. He rolled down the tinted window, sticking his head out as his little blue tail wagged at the sight of their new home, it was beautiful.

The house was more so an average sized mansion. It was hard to tell if it was a mahogany or black, or maybe even both. It was dark and dreary, but at the same time, light and beautiful. The dreariness came not only from the color of the house and its dark windows, but also how abandoned it looked, as if nobody has lived in it for years. There was dirt and grime all over the windows. Cobwebs were over the frames of the door and windows, and the whole thing just seemed to be... alive.

But, at the same time, there was a welcoming beauty to it. The house was surrounded by beautiful trees and hedges. The bright sunny afternoon shined beautifully on the bright green grass that surrounded the property, warming the air and bringing a fresh scent. A large green pond was in the front, with a bench sitting right beside it overlooking the soft rippling water. There was another tree by the bench, grown in a way where in the very middle of the trunk, the branches grew into a type of cage, big enough for a small child to sit in. Above the large front door, Sonic could see a type of black sign or shield nailed above it, with the initials BW engraved in gold.

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