Chapter 11

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Gemma’s POV:

I heard someone laugh and opened the door to see a girl laughing at Harry. Harry was staring at the girl with adoration in his eyes. The girl noticed me and stopped laughing. Harry turned to look at me and smiled. “Hi Gemma, want to let us in?”

I stepped to the side as they came in. “Hi, I’m Gemma, Harry’s older sister.  You must be Diana. We have heard so much about you!”

Diana smiled, “Nice to meet you.”

Harry blushed, "I don't talk about you that much."

“You actually do,” I scoffed.

My mum, Anne, came in. “Hi love. I’m Anne mother of these two goofballs. Lovely to finally meet you! Harry hasn’t shut up about you.” She gave  Diana a hug and lead her to the couch.

 I looked back at Harry who looked horrified. “Mum!You are as bad as Gemma.  Let’s just bring out the baby photos if you are going to talk like that!”

Anne grinned. “That was actually part of the plan Harry. You are so smart!”

Harry groaned and leaned against the back of the couch that we were sitting on. “I can’t believe this!”

Diana started to look at the album and laughed at the photos. “Harry, you were such a cute baby. What happened?”

I laughed. “I like you Diana! Harry should have brought you around before. Ooh, do you want to hear a story about Harry as a little kid?”

Harry covered Diana’s ears. “Diana isn’t interested Gemma! Mum, isn’t it time for lunch?” I shrugged. There would be plenty of opportunities later.

“I do believe it is. Sorry Gemma, Next time.”

I whispered in Diana’s ear evilly, “I can’t wait to enlighten you about Harry,” making Diana laugh.

Harry’s POV:

I watched in surprise as Diana interacted with my family. She was being open and not terribly shy like she was when we first met.

“Harry? Hello earth to Harry! Time to eat,” Diana waved her hands in front of my face. She had a sassy side to her. Gemma must have brought it out.

“Coming now,” I sat at the table next to Diana and smiled at her as we waited for Gemma and my Mum to bring over the food. “Look who is ready to take on the world!” I teased her.

“Your family is so nice.”

“Just like me.”

Diana rolled her eyes. “But they are humble unlike you.”

“That hurts.”

“Too bad for you,” Diana grinned.

“Yikes! What has Gemma done to you?” I groaned. Actually, I was so glad she was feeling confident. As we finished dinner, I watched Diana laugh. She was something special. Hopefully work would go just as well.

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