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It was a warm and breezy day on North Carolina's outer banks, a good day. The five friends were hanging around a empty housing development, half-way through construction. Pandora sat against the fencing, a beer warmed by the sun in her hand and her friends laughing around her. For the past few months she had run around the cut of the outer banks with the new found friends enjoying the freedom that Pogue life offered. Living as neither a Pogue or a Kook, Pandora smiled and spoke graciously with everyone in the area, no-one despised her, however, she felt the cold shoulder that being friends with the Pogues gave her at school. But even then she always had Kie. Life was good, about as good as it had ever been. She smiled at her friends.

John B stood on the roof of the house, balancing on the very edge, earning him many comments from the group below.

"That's what, a three story fall to the deck?" Pope questioned, "I give you about a one in three chance of survival." He continued, toying with a drill as if it were a gun.

"Hmm..." John B considered, "Should I do it?"

Pandora laughed nervously, knowing it wasn't completely unusual for the boys to mess around but also that that meant it wasn't completely unrealistic that he jump tempt fate.

"I dare you." JJ teased.

"I'll shoot you on the way down." Pope threatened, holding the drill as if to aim a gun at John B.

"You're going to shoot me?" John B asked with an air of disbelief.

Pandora chuckled at the scene before her. The three boys wearing bigger smiles than she'd ever scene a Kook wear, even though they bore much larger pains. The young Brit glanced up at John B, who was smiling back at her.

"They're going to have Japanese toilets with towel warmers." Kiara emerged from the inside of the house, rejoining the group, her face held a look of disgust.

"Kie, we're not surprised. They built this monstrosity here, on their habitat, of course they don't give two shits about the turtles." Pandora responded. She shared the same environmental views as her friend but didn't so outwardly act for the changes that needed to happen. She regretted this sometimes.

"Yeah. Who cares about the turtles, I guess..." Kie frowned, leaning on the railing of the porch.

"Yeah, I can't be using cold towels." John B remarked, taking a swig of the beer.

"Don't spill that beer, you're not getting a second!" JJ yelled up to John B, who was busy dangling his foot of the edge. Pandy laughed at the threat, if that was the worst they could be threatened with, this was going to be a good summer.

Pandy was woken from a thoughts by the shifting wind as it began to blow harder. John B's drink fell from his hand, and sprayed his friends as it hit the floor.

"Of course, you did. Right when I warned you too." JJ made fun of John B, the rest laughing at the boy's misfortune. 

It didn't last long though as the group were interrupted by a car pulling up outside the house. It was the security which patrolled the construction.

Pope turned to his friends, "Hey guys, time to scoot. Security is here." Everyone scrambled, running through the house to get to the van.

JJ grabbed the box of the full and empty cans of beer, looking over the railing at the security, "Gary is that you? Come on Gary, you're early!" He remarked, laughing in the face of the slightly round and older security guard. "Gary, it is good to see you, man!"

They hopped the fence than separated them from the front garden, the security guard hot on their heels. John B and Kie appeared in the VW van just in time for JJ, Pope and Pandy to jump in. But Gary was not ready to give up this chase, running after the van as it sped away. JJ teased the man, throwing him a beer.

"One day, JJ, you are going to make them too angry." Kie remarking, sitting down on the floor of the van.

JJ fell down next to him in the back of the van, "Come on! That sort of initiative is just begging to be punished!" He laughed. 

Pandora smiled sweetly at JJ as she reached for the box of beers. 

"No chance, Princess." He swiped them away from her just before she could take one.

"But you can't just give me one that's no fun!" The girl whined.

"It's mid-afternoon," John B pointed out, "We can have some more fun this evening, but for that we need the beers."

Catching John B's gaze in the mirror the girl nodded, approving of the idea and excited for whatever the night could bring. Her heart swelled at the boy's caramel, overgrown hair and tan skin, he was gorgeous and so undeniably himself. But she had seen the sweet eyes which all three of the boys looked at Kie with. Pandora sighed, breaking eye contact with the boy and leaning her head back against the cool metal of the van. She had grown tired from the sun and running away from the security guard but mostly as even after nine months of living across the pond in North Carolina she had not adjusted to the strength of the sun.

She closed her eyes drifting off to a land somewhere between consciousness and unconsciousness.


Getting started with the plot now. I'm hoping to update as I go along in order to get the story together a quick as possible! Hope you enjoyed xx

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