Chapter 12

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Barry gave a long sigh as he thought about recent events. As much as he missed his friends from Ohio, he wouldn't be heartbroken if they went home. Having them there was making everything a whole lot harder for Barry. 

He looked around the park. He saw the New Directions playing some sort of game with the Warblers. Wes walked over to Barry. 

"Man. Why are you sitting here moping? Come join the game," he said.

Barry gave a small smile, "I'm okay. Thanks."

"What's with you lately? Even before the whole jerky Rachel fiasco, you've been different." Wes said.

"It's been quite the year," Barry said, "Between my coma and all the new meta-humans, there has been a ton of work for me also."

"Ah," Wes said, "Come join the game Bar. Please?"

"Fine," Barry relented. They walked over to where everyone was. "So, what are we playing?"

"Spoons," Nick said, "ever played it?"

"No. Can't say that I have," Barry said.

"It's simple. You go around trying to get four of a kind in your hand. Once you do, you grab a spoon out of the middle. As soon as someone grabs a spoon, you go for a spoon too. Regardless of what's in your hand. Whoever doesn't get a spoon is out." Nick explained.

"Okay. Sounds simple enough." Barry said. They started playing. Barry saw someone grab a spoon and everyone lunged into chaos. Barry had already grabbed a spoon, so he witnessed several people tackling one another to get a spoon. The next round, Barry got four of a kind. He grabbed a spoon with his super speed so no one saw and then he smirked. He looked around and tapped the spoon on his chin. 

Quinn looked up and saw Barry tapping the spoon with a smirk. She gaped for a second before grabbing a spoon. Everyone grabbed one.

"That round took a while," Jeff said. 

"Yeah," Mercedes agreed, "Thank you for winning Quinn." 

Quinn smirked, "No, I didn't win."

"Then why'd you grab a spoon?" Nick asked incredulously.

"Because Barry over there won like half an hour ago," she exaggerated.

"You're kidding?" Finn said.

Barry grinned, "No. I've had a spoon since the beginning. Quinn finally noticed after I started tapping my chin with it"

"How did no one see you?" Nick asked.  

"I was sneaky," Barry laughed. They played another round, and Barry's phone rang. He checked the caller ID, "I'll be right back."

"Hey Oliver. What's up?"

"Hey Bar. I need a favor."

"Sure. What do you need?"

"There's a Starling City criminal headed to Central right now. I have to take care of his buddies, so I can't get to him. Can you handle him?"

"Sure Ollie. Who is it?"

"A guy named Errol Shun. He's escaped in a black truck with lots of bombs. So be careful."

"I'm always careful."

"Uh huh. Bye Bar."

"Bye Ollie."

He hung up. He turned back to the group to see that Kurt, Blaine, Santana, and Thad had finally appeared. 

"Where have you guys been?" Barry asked.

"We were just... discussing... some things," Kurt said, avoiding looking at Barry. Barry frowned at them, he would have to talk to them later.

"Whatever. I have to go, guys. I'll be back later." Barry said. 

"Where are you going Bar?" Nick asked. "You can't keep leaving us."

Barry opened his mouth to talk, but Jeff cut him off, "Yeah man. It's like you're avoiding us." 

Barry pressed his lips together, "I'm sorry. I really need to go."

"Go on then Barry," Santana said, "and get your ass back here as quick as you can."

"Right, bye." Barry ran away, normal speed of course, then super sped away once he was in the clear. 


A/N- Short chapter! Has anyone reading this ever played spoons? It's a blast. And kind of dangerous. I speak from experience. 

Hope you enjoyed! :)

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