Couple Changes on This...

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Oh Boy. So I promised y'all a face reveal once this story reached 3000+ reads and 100+ votes, and... Due to some things, I am taking down the pictures that used to be here. I'll keep the other stuff though. :)

I kinda want to tell y'all a little about me first:

First of all, although I say "y'all" a lot, I am not from the south. I go to a summer camp with summer missionaries, and after the second year, I picked up on it. 

I also love love love music. Music is my life. I play the piano, clarinet, guitar, and ukulele, and I want to do more, but my mom says I can't have any more unless I buy them myself. And I'm broke after buying books. I listen to basically all genres of music except country. Not a huge country fan. But I love jazz (a ton), hard rock/metal, Christian rock, some pop, reggae, and other genres I can't currently think of.

I love drawing and painting. My favorite subjects are math, English, and Spanish.

I adore reading. My favorite books are The False Prince series, Ranger's Apprentice and Brotherband Chronicles, Renegades, and Heroes of Olympus. Those are some of them anyway. My favorite authors are John Flanagan, Marissa Meyer, C.S. Lewis, Rick Riordan, and Shannon Messenger.

I also like watching movies. But, I mean, who doesn't? I'm like most genres of movies/TV. But no horror. No. Just no. I hate horror. Don't mistake that with thriller though. I'll watch a good thriller, but no horror. 

I also love traveling. A lot. Part of that has to do with the fact that I lived in a different country for three years. When I was five, my family moved to Ukraine. I've been to Greece, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, France, Spain, Ireland, England, Germany, Turkey, Egypt, and Ukraine. 

Sorry. No pictures. 

I'll have another chapter posted tomorrow.

Love y'all! Thanks for reading my story! :)

Long Time No See -Flash x GleeWhere stories live. Discover now