Journal Entry #3

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Date: 4-23-20
Time Started: 2:30
Time Ended: 2:39

Hello peeps, so I made the picture gallery and I'm gonna add some more pictures soon. And I'm gonna get started on another chapter of my Yoonmin book. I've had a lot of creative spurts and creative growth's going on so I'm excited for more things I can work on! I'm gonna try to entertain you guys and push out content as much as I can because I'm not giong to have these kinds of opportunities again. 

So I've been doing a lot of watercolor and piano lately, along with Wattpad. It's a lot of fun being able to pursue things that I love! Especially when other people enjoy it. In full honesty, last year I wasn't very healthy physically and mentally, but I've really grown this past year. I can't wait until i get snither chapter out! Bye lovelies~

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