Journal Entry #6

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Date: 5-21-20
Time Started: 5:54
Time ended:

Hello peeps I haven't updated in a while, I've beeb ultra busy these past few weeks, but I'm almost finisged with the chapter and I'll be getting it out soon enough!

I'm hoping I'll have more time when online school is over.

This Sunday I'll be going to my aunt jennys for a meet up with my family!! I'll get to see my cousins and theres a pool so I'm super happy! I recently got more cousins, I'm not sure where they came from, or who theyre related to, they're around my age. I lost one string gor my bathing suit, so I have to use one of my shoe laces, lol!

Also I'm getting a cat soon, shes a calico and shy, I can't wait to meet her. She is very fluffy, a medium hair.

Well I best be going! I wonder if anyone reads these... I love you guys ❤

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2020 ⏰

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