~14~ b a s s

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Y/n's P.O.V

Dinner was great, other than the food, Georgie was there, and that's a plus. I wanna take things slower, we did just meet. Although that's not gonna change anything, there's always gonna be a part of me that's gonna keep poking my cheek. Like Sheldon.

"Y/n, y/n, y/n, earth to y/n"
Sheldon was poking my cheek

Snapping out of my gaze, i tried to regain my  balance on my seat again.

"Yes, Sheldon what is it?"

"I just wanted to ask you who that guy from the other table is, he's been waving at you for 10 minutes."

What? You mean-


Shit, Jerry what are you doing? He just yelled at me fuck.
I sank down my seat, succumbing into the inner mechanisms of the table. Thank goodness he was just from the table opposite us.

"Pipe down mon ami!" I whisper-shouted at him

"Je l'ai"

I grunted a satisfied grunt, he shot a wink at me. I stuck my toungue out just because. It's always been like this with Jerry.

I felt some strange aura thing around me, i look over at Georgie. Face red, knuckles turning white, glaring right at Jerry. I put my hand on his to tell him it's alright, that somehow calmed him down enough to look me straight in the eye.

We stayed like that for about, the remainder of dinner (i guess, post dinner?)

In about minutes time, we had to head home. It wasn't very late though, but Sheldon was freaking out.

"It's 5 past 8, i go to sleep at 8:30!"

"Shut up Sheldon, you sleep waayy later than that"

"You don't know Missy!"

"I KNOW cause i sleep next to yOu"

"Oh, well then you shouldn't be awake at those hours."

"I'm awake at those 'hours' because YOU are!"

Yeesh, they really just don't stop.

We went walking around the mall, still alot of people left in here. We walked by some store that had, huh a frick ton of b a s s. The cooper family was behind me and Georgie, they were checking other stuff as well.

I ran up to the store and pressed my face on the glass displaying the fender american standard precision bass [AAAAA] bass that i really did like. I've heard good things about it from the band.

I stare at it with awe until i felt a tap on my shoulder

"Whatcha lookin' at?"

"The Fender american standard precision bass"

"The what?"

I look over to the coopers and saw they were entering the store next to us, Mary smiled at me and Georgie, i smiled back.

I drag Georgie with me inside the store, and i immediatly make a beeline for the bass.

Georgie's P.O.V

I saw Y/n run toward the bass. Pure wonder in her eyes. It suits her perfectly.

I try to follow her but i kinda lost her in the aisles, what the fuck how big is this store


"Over here Georgie!"

"Right, where is 'here' exactly?"

Someone tapped on my shoulder


"Oh, hello there"

She was grinning really wide, and i realized she was clutching a small paper bag.

"What's that?" I pointed at it

"Oh it's a capo, for the bass i mean. Mine broke months ago and i never got the chance to buy another one"

That was, not expected.


She suddenly turned red. I'll never get tired of that.


"Cause of what now?"


"Can you maybe not mumble it."

"Band practice."

Oh, that's it. But bands don't have practice unless they have a show, does that-

"And before you ask anything, yes, we have a show."


"yes, i'm gonna be on the stage."

"What are you? A mind reader? You've been readin' my thoughts left and right."

"Sorry, i just y'know, assume these kinds of things."

"You don't have to say sorry."


I gave her a look, she smirked a lil'

"Hey, there you both are. Mom said you'd be here, i'm surprised. Both of you don't play any string instruments. Especially you Georgie."

I grumbled. Why do you have to say that?

"Oh no, Sheldon, i play bass"

"You're in a band?"



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