Chap. 2

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Each students came into class and settled down on their seats. Isla opened the door and entered, immediately being stopped by Jennifer Aniston, who had stood, blocking her way with arms folded. Isla didn't dare to look up at her, and instead tried to walk past her to her seat, but Jennifer herself was fast and pushed Isla before she could make it. Jennifer chuckled, loving how weak Isla looked as she bent her head down, avoiding eye contact.

"I heard you tried flirting with the new student today," Jennifer spoke, making sure her voice was loud and clear for the others as well. "Accidentally bumped into him so he'd help you up, huh? So, that's your game?" Jennifer got closer to her face. "You really think George would be interested in such a worthless piece of trash like you? Wow, you think big!" The whole class erupted in laughter at her words.

Isla looked up, stared right into Jennifer's eyes, before taking out her own hands and pushing Jennifer back. Students gasped, but Isla didn't dare say anything as she headed to her seat. Jennifer gritted her teeth, but before she could make a move to slap Isla, George had walked inside the class.

"You wouldn't dare touch her!"

Jennifer turned to George and gulped. "I. . . I wasn't going to do anything to her, but it's just that Isla over here was being quite rude, pushing me for no reason. I didn't even do anything to her." She turned to the rest of the class and raised her hands up. "Right? Isla pushed me for no reason, right?" The class instantly started nodding their heads, while Isla kept silent, quietly taking out her books from her bag. George only rolled his eyes and walked over to Isla.

"Don't mind them," he said in a low voice, before taking a seat beside Isla. Again, the whole class gasped, but no one dared to say a word as George gave them a glare. Jennifer balled her hands into fists, but didn't say anything either as she headed to her own seat.

The teacher soon walked inside class, holding a stack of papers. She muttered an apology to the class for being late, though no one really heard her. Groaning, the teacher placed the huge stack of papers on her desk, before turning to the class. "Again, I'm sorry I'm late. I. . .actually woke up late today. Wow, how embarrassing!" The teacher paced around for a few seconds, as if her mind wasn't exactly with her and her brain was dead. Finally, she snapped her fingers, looking back up again. "Ah, now I remember. Forgetful me, am I right?" She chuckled at her own joke, but once she saw that everyone were looking back at her with serious looks, she dropped her smile.

"Anyway, I'd like us all to welcome George Daniels, a new student joining us today. And, wow, George is actually sitting beside Isla." Once she said those words, the class erupted with laughter, while the teacher grinned, George frowned and Isla only looked down at her desk with a straight face. After the laughter died down, the teacher began again. "Anyway, for today, I got us all a project to work on. I realized something. . . you guys don't really. . .communicate with each other, and I'm a teacher of communication. I want my class to get to know each other better. . .

". . . Which is why I decided to come up with this project. First, you'll partner up with someone you absolutely don't know at all! It has to be two people in a group. No more than that, and you certainly can't be on your own," The teacher gave Isla a look, "like you did the last time." Another moment of laughter was given, before the teacher shushed them and continued.

"Each of you will make a poster about your partner, and on that poster, you're supposed to write down information about your partner. The title will of course be the name of your partner, and you can include pictures or drawings if you want. I told you guys to pick a partner you don't know at all, so that way you can get to know that person more. You will have to hang out, or do whatever you teenagers do these days, in order to find out more information about each other." The teacher then raised a finger. "Now, I will be looking for grammatical errors, after all I am an English teacher. Make sure you edit your work, because I will reduce your mark if I see any spelling mistakes on your posters. Now, does everyone understand what they have to do?"

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