1•An email•1

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"Well? Did you get the role or not?" my mother begged. "Mom, I said I'll tell you as soon as I know!" I replied.
"Just refresh the page again! They said they would send the email by 4:30." she said. I glanced up at the clock. 4:38. I thought. There's still time... "I already refreshed a million times" I said as I refreshed the page yet again. "I highly doubt- oh my God!!!!" "Y/N what!? Did you get the role!?" I didn't reply, instead I silently read the email, my eyes growing wider after each sentence. The email read;

Hello, Ms. L/N.
After many, many auditions, the directors and I have concluded that you are very talented, and would portray Lydia Deetz very well. We found your edge and your sass a great element for our musical. We believe that you have a beautiful voice that would fit Lydia perfectly. We are excited to see you for the script readings on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. The dates for the rest of the scheduled rehearsals remain unknown for the time being, but we will make sure to email you them as soon as we figure them out. Congratulations on getting this role. We believe you will excel greatly from this opportunity!

Thank you!
Alex Timbers.

No way in hell.. I thought, covering my mouth.
"Sweetie! You did it! I'm so proud of you, love!" my mother cooed.
"I did, didn't I!!!" I squealed, pulling her into a tight embrace.
"Yes, yes you did. And I'm so proud of you for it!"

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