2•Day one•2

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I put on a black theater shirt from high school with some black leggings and grey Nike's. I decided on not dressing up, but wearing something acceptable, since I didn't want to appear inexperienced. I grabbed my bag, took my keys out, and made my way to my car. I drove to the theater where we would be rehearsing, and before I went in, I stopped to calm myself down and make sure I looked okay. I opened my cameras on my phone and smiled. I didn't look awful, which was all I was concerned about. I put my phone away and walked towards the door. Before I could open it, a man opened it for me and let me inside. He smiled as I thanked him, and as we walked he started a conversation with me about how he loved Beetlejuice the movie, and was excited to be playing in the musical. Right as I was about to ask him who he would be playing, a pretty tall, brown-haired guy jogged up to us. "Hey! Come join us backstage!" I replied "Okay!" and followed him to a big, open room, with about 50 chairs and a big table. The tall guy introduced himself as Rob McLure and told us he'd be playing Adam. A while later, a lot of people had joined us in the big room. The room filled with chatter, but got quiet as Alex Timbers, the director, walked in. He welcomed us and congratulated us. He told us that we were all very talented. We were all handed scripts with black and white stripes on the front. I picked mine up, and flipped through it. Eventually after the scripts were all handed out, Timbers told us he was going to let us read the play all the way through, to get a feel for it. I tried my best to sing "Invisible" in the same voice I had for the audition, since it has obviously done me justice. As I finished, I looked around for whoever was playing Beetlejuice.
"Holy crap! A ballad already?" Said a voice beside me. "And such a bold departure from the original source material!"
I looked beside me and almost choked when I saw who would be playing him.
The guy from the damn way in.
A little while later, we took a break. I walked over to the man who I had spoke to earlier. I introduced myself, and after he greeted me and complimented my singing, he introduced himself as Alex Brightman. I finally took a minute to examine his features. He had brown, relatively sort hair, and brown eyes, as well as a smile that could light up the darkest room.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2020 ⏰

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