Chapter 4

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Aryas pov
"You know what guys have I ever told you my point a view of the night y'all lost your virginity bc trust me it was crazy"Grayson says
I'm sitting there eating my cereal.
"Um no you haven't what are your turn of events"I ask
"well for one I saw ethan buying condoms of and upperclassmen earlier that day.But I hear him creep out of my room.And I heard ryas door lock.And I heard rocking of the bed.And Rya moaning surprised that didn't give y'all away"he says
"Wow"I said
I've gotten way to close with the dolans since then me and ethans sex life seems to be the topic of every family dinner

Flash back to 2018 ethan and Grayson visiting NJ
"So um just so you too no we all heard you having sex last night like all of us"Graysons says
Ethan laughs so does Sean.
I see ethan and Sean fist bump.
"So one word to describe it"Cameron asks
"Quick"I say laughing that's sent Sean ethan gave me a glare
"I'm just fucking with you Eth"I say and punch his shoulder

End of flashback

"I miss having sex with you"ethans says
"Ya ik I bet the bitch from the other day ain't that good"I say
"Omg ethan Yes ethan"I mock as I bounce up and down on ethan
"You just gave me a boner"he says
"That sucks better go take care of that"I say
"Or you could"he says slapping my ass
"Sorry no can do it's not gonna be that easy"I say
" I'll be back"he says rolling his eyes

"Hey Rya wanna go to the beach with me"he ask
In la it's warm even tho it's winter

"You ready Rya"Ethan asks "Ya I'm ready"I sayWe get in his Jeep and drive to the beach We get there around sunset

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"You ready Rya"Ethan asks
"Ya I'm ready"I say
We get in his Jeep and drive to the beach
We get there around sunset.
"Rya I love you so much"ethan says

Ethans pov
I don't need sex from her.I need her presence that's what keeps me sane.The truth is I have to have her she's a drug to me.
"Hey Eth I called Bryant so he can take pics of us for insta we get let the fans know that somethings up"she says
Bryant comes and takes some pics
"Rya can I kiss you"I ask her
"Ya for the picture"she says
Bryant got the perfect one
I posted it right away not editing just a filter.



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@Ethandolan:My love for you will be never ending
@aryarose:My boyfriend is such a cutie
@graysondolan:Aw my fav couple on the internet
@lisadolan:Cuties can't wait til your home
Aryas pov
"We look cute Eth"I say
"You called me your boyfriend in the comments"he says
"Well ya you are still my boyfriend even tho we are building our relationship"I say
"Eth we are in a dark place our relationship is hanging on by a thread.Sadness is pulling us all apart all of us"I say with a tear rolling down my cheek.
Ethan wipes it away
"My dad wouldn't want this for us"he says
"Ik Eth but that doesn't change that is how it is"I say
"So for us to heal we need to grieve and let go"I say
"First starts with your brother you need to talk to him and cry and he needs to know your there for him.Next your mom and cam.Ethan we are all worried about you and you just shut us all out."I say he looks and nods
"I wanna heal with you first"he says
"Ethan your family needs you more then me right now I love your dad to death and I'm not doin well but I can manage you family they're all struggling including you.It starts with you excepting before you can help heal everyone else.Thats what I love about you is your selfless.Well except for cheating on me"I say
"Arya can you stop bringing it up I'm sorry"he says stern
"No ethan I can't ok I can't I've been committed to this relationship for 5 years you were my first and only with everything I've been on a date with anyone else's I haven't kissed had sex nothing Ethan just you.And you get sad and cheat on me and expect me to forget and not bring it up your fucking crazy"I say
"I never meant to hurt you"he says as a tear falls
"Ya well when you drop a glass plate and it shatters does saying sorry to it fix it"I say
"Arya we need to talk and move pass this it's for us I want to save us you want to save us"he says
"Ethan I'm in love with you you can cheat on me 1 million times and I wouldn't stop loving you."I cry
He holds me
"Babe can we move pass this for our relationship"he says
"Ethan I'm not sure if I can right now.But I'll try"I say
We get to ethans room
"Ethan are you ready to talk about you dad"I ask
"I don't you to be sad anymore.I think talking about your feelings and crying will help you babe"I say
"Ok Arya I want to talk"he says
"I realize it's ok to be venerable you love me"he says
We talk and we cry and I listen and we laugh and talk about stories.And things we didn't know about him and we learned.We learned a lot.
"Arya I feel a lot better"he says
"You really help me.I think you could help others"he says
He kisses me a real kiss the first real kiss in months.A kiss where the love is real the most real it could be.
"I love you ethan"I say
"Hey gray" I say
Ethan is taking his dads death really really hard.Grayson cried and let his emotions out Gray is 100% but he's healing.Eth hasn't even thought about it he pushed it back.
He doesn't have any emotion I'm not even sure if he feels love rn.I don't expect him to have put his energy into tryin to love me rn.
"Are you ok gray"I say
"Getting better everyday.Its not as sad anymore it's more happy when I think about him ik he's not in pain anymore"he says
"I'm glad Gray"I say and hug him

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