Chapter 1 - Meeting Jack

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(y/n) pov

I woke up the sounds of somethings scratching at the door. I pull my head up and look at the door then at my bear on the dresser, "what," I call out. No answer. I get out of bed and drag myself to the door and open it, when I do a black cat dashes into my room and up the stairs to my bed and lays on the pillow. "Yah know you can't just barge in here and claim my pillow Fuzzball" I say making myself laugh because i'm talking to a cat. 

"(y/n) get down here please," my mom yells

"Okay one second," I yell back and scramble to get dressed into my army color jeans and a black leather belt with a navy blue tight shirt. I grab Fuzzball off my pillow and walk down the stairs with her while putting my phone in my back pocket, "yes mom?" 

"I hope you don't mind liebe but I signed you up for a babysitting job and I hope you could start today?"  She asked almost like she was begging. 

"Sure, who's are they, and whats there age?" I say putting the cat down and he just starts crawling up my pants.

"His name is Jack and he is 7 years old, he lost his mom about 2 years ago and his guardian doesn't like there current babysitter." 

"Okay when do I start?" I say eager to meet this kid and show him the meaning of fun

"When they get here so go eat liebe before you can't," she starts laughing knowing how easy it is for me to get carried away with kids. I head to the kitchen with the cat following and I give him some food in his bowl before poring my self some llama loops and giving Fuzzball one. He ate it happily of course. About 10 minutes later the door bell rings and my mom goes to get it. I hear them walking in the other room but I drown them out by going into my head. "Crystal," 

"Huh? oh sorry I zoned out," I look at my mom then at the blonde standing next to her. 

"Crystal this is Jessica, She's Jacks aunt, and this is Jack," My mom says pointing to a boy who is ruffly about 3'10. I walk over and kneel down in front of him and say, 

"You wanna go have some fun? What do kids your age even do these days, I say legos? no that was 5 years ago, hmmm Transformers? nah that was way back." I say watching as his face changes with every toy I say. 

"I like legos and transformers," Jack says back. 

"when then why are we standing here lets go!" I say while running up the stairs to my room with Jack and Fuzzball following close behind. When I get to my room I go over to my corner and pull out a medium bin of legos and open a drawer with at least 15 transformers. 

"your a girl so why do you have so many boy toys?" Jack asked looking at all the toys. 

"well I have a younger brother, twin brother, crazy childish uncle, crazy childish dad, and.... an older half brother." I struggle getting the older brother out because all that does is bring back painful memory's of my past. 

"When can I meet them?" Jack said walking over and pulling out bumblebee. 

"Some day, hey why don't we combine these toys and make lego land and transformer land live together in peace?" I said trying to void away from the other subject

"ok," He said. we played for the next 3 hours before my mom came up and talked to us about the plans they made. I understood but Jack didn't like leaving this early so I promised I would save everything and next time he came over we would start were we left off. Soon after that he left and I was all alone in my room to my thoughts. Most people say that its good to think and be left alone, others say its not. I'm in the middle of that because sometimes I can only get a clear head if i'm alone to think, other times all I can think about is the past. Yes there was a silver lining in all of that, but is it really worth it? 

Over the next few days Jack came over and we played, had snacks, and played some more till he had to leave. At that point my emotional side was opening up to him and I was starting to trust and feel for him more. I have yet to me his dad but i'm personally okay with that. In my opinion its one less person I have to worry about trusting. I didn't realize I had zoned out until I heard Jack scream my name. "CRYSTAL!" 

"huh, sorry Jack. is everything ok?" I say looking at him. 

"Yah but I was wondering if you could play bumblebee while I played all the rest," He said handing the car over to me. 

"But bumblebees your favorite," I said not taking it.

"Yes but you do the best impression," He said standing up, putting the car in my lap and going to sit back down over where we built the transformer base. I sat there surprised and happy. 

"Okay i'll be bumblebee." I said scooting over to were we were playing.

"YAHHH!!!" He said with so much excitement and I just sat there and laughed. After that zoning out episode I didn't do it again. I'd like to say for the rest of time but no. It only lasted about a week before I would zone out. Never when Jack was there because he kept me busy. When I mean busy I mean it. Remember earlier when my mom said I don't eat much when I have kids over? Well Jack made it a point to make me eat and work out. Someday's I  took him to the park and we would run around, then stop at the car and rest while grabbing a snack in the process only to go back out and run again. Other days we would stay home and play and watch videos. To be completely honest I liked having this kid around.


ok so word count for this chapter is 1061. I am trying to get at least 1000 words in each chapter not including this thing at the end. Hope you all like it and I will try to update as much as possible. Hope quarantine is treating you all nice.

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