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After the horrific encounter with Clint, peter was determined to try and blend into the shadows more.

However, no such luck came his way as the next part of the tour took then to the training facility.
And their in all their beautiful glory stood Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff.

(Btw this is unimportant, but I'm bi and the sheer amount of beautiful people in the MCU is not good for my mental heath... see I've got a doctors note to prove 😂😂)

"God I need a drink" whispered peter under his breath.

Steve having amazing hearing due to the drugs he took back in the day (Oop) simply said,

"You too young to drink peter, it's a bad habit

And without thinking peter turned you round and said "well your to old to be alive but you don't see me commenting on that 'habit' of yours"

And subsequently clamped his hand over his mouth, while the class stood their stunned. Everyone but black widow in the corner was silent. Nat was crying with laughter at the innocent little kid who just one upped an 100 amd something year old with out even thinking. But she knew she had to do something to get him back for Steve.

"Okay Pete подойди сюда и побалуй меня паучок" ( come over here and spar with me baby spider and don't worry I won't go easy on you)

"я рассчитывал на это" Peter retorted (I was counting on it)

Sorry there so short
I hope you all staying safe and well x

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