Chapter 1

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Juli sighed, walking into yet another bar. She had been searching the town for Lily for nearly an hour by this point. The girl had asked to stay with her after another argument with her father, and at some point, had managed to sneak out of Juli's sight, leaving the ex-MOBIUS operative to search for her. She had already called Joseph, who had immediately joined the search. How the Hell was she supposed to tell Sebastian? Hey, your daughter ran off, and I haven't the slightest clue where she is. Yeah, that's a great way to put it, Juli thought, shaking her head at her own sarcasm.

Sebastian, meanwhile, was cleaning up the house in a futile attempt to get Lily off his mind. He huffed as he remembered his argument with Lily before she left with Kidman. He had caught her sitting on the roof smoking pot and, when questioned, struggled to come up with a decent argument as to why she shouldn't. Yes, it was illegal and as a cop, he shouldn't even consider allowing it, but he couldn't expect her to be perfect, and she was hardly home anyway. She was an A+ student and kept to herself for the most part. He couldn't bear to try and control her during the short time she was home.

Sebastian looked out the window. His anxiety was through the roof by this point, even to the point where he was considering searching Lily's room for answers. He quickly put that thought out of his mind, though. She was seventeen now, and her room was her space. If she had something to hide in there, it was hidden for a reason.

There's No Happy Ending Until The End - A TEW Fan-FictionWhere stories live. Discover now