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I dare you today for the better sake
To do something for the world
To diminish bad and diminish evil
Love, no judging of what you see
Love, no hating of anyone coming
Love, no fearing that lets you down

No judging, of what you see
Someone confident can be insecure
Someone healthy can be unhealthy
A wonderful body can be scarred
You may not know what they are going through
You may not understand the struggle

No hating, of anyone coming
Love your enemies, kill them with kindness
You may be hurt, but kindness heals
Do good and be rewarded by it
Forgive anyway if they would hurt you
Have peace instead with one another

No fearing, that lets you down
Accepting yourself will empower you
Be kind to yourself, be it easy to others then
Thank yourself for fighting hard all the time
You do not have to be dictated by somebody
If you fear, you will keep hurting you

Do not hate what happened in the past
It had reasons to happen to you
Love what you have right now, the gift of the present
You may not have it later, use the power to change
Do not fear the next chapter, the future
You may bloom, even if you see the worst

Hate is a very quick magnetic force
Hate can spread and separate us
But love would have brought us together
Do not discriminate of our differences
Love, even if it may not be enough
In the end, we are just one human race


November Moondrops PoetryWhere stories live. Discover now