Chapter 11

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Tim's POV:

I really like Faith even if we just stay friends. She is really hard not to love but I need to be careful since she is just getting out of a marriage. I can't loose her as a friend.

Faith's POV:

I get home to find the door unlocked, I normally lock it when I leave. I timidly walk inside and shut the door while locking it. Then I felt hands creep up the front of my shirt. "Faith, I have been waiting for you!" "Randy? How did you get in?" "Made a key duh! Don't be silly!" He spun me around so quickly that I almost lost my balance. Before I had a chance to collect my thoughts his lips were on mine as he wrapped my legs around him. I was helpless because if I struggled I would get hurt. I should not feel scared in my own home, he fell asleep when he finished so I couldn't move. I finally got comfortable enough to sleep but as morning came he was gone again. I needed to call a locksmith to see if I could get my locks changed. My daily routine was hanging with Tim during the day and trying to deal with Randy at night. But Friday finally rolled around and I was excited to hang out with Tum that night.

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