Chapter three

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~Kiku pov~
The encounter I had with Alfred was a little odd, but I guess it is my fault for confronting him. Which was not my fault, once I found out he was looking for me , I told my older brother and his idea was to make sure to scare him into leaving me alone. I really hope he wasn't serious about wanting to be my friend, I am not really down for that. 

The next day I tried to quickly make it to the music building without running into Alfred, I had a feeling he was going to try and talk to me. "Hey kiku!? What are you doing?" Heracles looked at me in my sneaking position confused. "Well.... number two in our class found out I am number one and he wants to be friends with me. I did not think we should but I didn't want to be mean about it. So now I am avoiding him" I spoke quickly. He looked to me worried before nodding at what just happened. "Well...when I am stressed out in particular, I take naps."

"Yeah, I do not think taking a nap will help me right now" I spoke slowly. "Well, how did he find out?" He asked. "Well, I found out about him and my brothers amazing idea to scare him away didn't I agreed to try and be his friend. What if it is a front though? And he is just slowly trying to destroy me, I can not have that happening" I said a bit scared.

"Well,what's so bad about that? Maybe you should just go for it. I mean, how many people have tried getting to know you through school? Not much, right?"

"Well yeah,but-."
"No butts, would it kill you to be nice?" He asked walking beside me. For once he was the one lecturing me. "I guess not, but if this just blows up in my face, I am blaming you" I pointed to him annoyed. "Yeah sure" he laughed.

As I continued to walk to music practice I felt a giant arm push me down. It was around my shoulders and pulling me. "It's such a lovely day today, do you like it?"
"Do I like the day? Uhhh sure"
"Say, lets hang out sometime, with graduation literally coming up in another four months,we should try and hang out more"

"Yes of course!!!"
"So you aren't going to try and beat me so you can be the top student?"
"Nah, I never really wanted to in the first place"
"Oh, I see...."

I stopped in front of the music building and we stood in front of each other for awhile. Just staring in silence. "Fine then, what did you have in mind?" I asked confused. "Have you been to the Japanese tea garden?" He asked. I lifted a brow and didn't say anything. It was because I'm Asian of course. "What do ya say?" He smiled brightly.

It was the smile of a child, if I said something remotely wrong, there would be tears. "Alright then...I don't mind going" I spoke softly. I really wanted to know why he was so determined to be my friend. "Great!!! I will pick you up Saturday at your house around 7:30" he cheered.

My eyes widened as I looked at him and then to Heracles who was watching us in the back. He was holding back a laugh as I watched the cheers come from Alfred. "You don't have my address though" I said confused. "You can send it to me later, here is my number" he smiled. He handed me a piece of paper that was pre written. As if he knew I was going to be saying yes.

"Text me your address, I have to go, bye Kiku" he smiled, running off. I looked at the piece of paper in shock as Heracles approached me. "Sounds to me like you have a big date to get ready for" he laughed. "It is not a date, he just wants to be friends" I said annoyed. I quickly walked into the music building , ignoring everyone around me.

I do not have time for this, I have a big concert to prepare for and thinking too much about things is unhealthy for my brain. Maybe I should make a soup when I get home? Something with chicken broth and.....cilantro?..... gosh I was such a lost cause. "Kiku! Don't forget to wear something nice on your date" Heracles kept taunting me , however I ignored him.

"Huh?!! Kiku? You are going on a date? With who?" I turned to look at Mathew who was sitting in his chair, instrument in hand. "It's not a date...your brother just asked me to hang out with him on Saturday" I spoke shaking my head. His face dropped and he looked extremely nervous for some reason. "I see....and you said yes?...." he said looking serious.

"Yeah...I just don't know why he wants to be my friend so bad...." I said confused until it hit me. I smiled at Mathew and he had a sense that I was up to something. "What?" He asked confused. "Maybe you can help me, try asking Alfred why he wants to be my friend so badly" I asked, basically begging. "Alright fine" he said giving in.

I smiled at the thought , it was hard for me to read people but with this insight I have a great shot at actually trying to bond with Alfred. I placed my instrument on my lap and continued to smile as I got prepared for rehearsal. Who knows, maybe getting to know Alfred will help me explore new things, I do have to try and be open minded about it. If I do not, I won't grow as a person at all, which is not really good.

Hopefully, I just don't screw it up with how quiet I can be.


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