Gut Feeling

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Opening my eyes as I feel the sunrise begin to shine against them I move my head side to side. I see my house in the distance. 

"I'm home", I say to myself in a whisper. 

Remaining still I allow my senses to listen to the birds in the distance. To smell the nearby swamp filled with moss. To feel the soft breeze coming in and brush against my skin. I feel alive. 

But like everything in my life, this moment must end.  As I raise from the grassy ground with my bare body covered in dirt, I look around and in the distance, I see other purebreds in the same position as me. 

Naked and exposed trying to return to the world around them.

Walking towards the back of my house, I locate our outside silver tube that's filled with water and soap with my clothes laid out beside it. But somethings different this time. 

As I get closer to my pile of clothes I see my sister Chioma's favorite bracelet placed on top. Something she swore I would never wear or find was placed so neatly right in front of me.  Why?

Shrugging it off and moving a branch from my behind my ear, I enter the bath. In hopes to not only wash away the dirt glued to my body but to also wash away my thoughts of something horrible coming. 


"Stop, pinching at the food I taught you better than that", My mom screams at my brother, Paul. 

Hearing them from the upstairs room I roll my eyes. 

"I could always just go hunting" Paul murmurs. She taps him on the head with a spoon and smirks. 

"Now leave this area, I'm busy cooking Paul you're either helping or not?",  he rushes out and sees me leaving. 

And tell your sister that if she's going out she shouldn't stay too late we're having a family meeting. 

As I'm out the door, he catches up to me and asks to join. 


Suddenly  I remember the horrible feeling earlier and become afraid the feeling may have to do with him. 

I turn around to look him directly in the eyes, "Yes, you can come with me, but whenever you feel unsafe you need to tell me. You haven't transformed yet and anything can happen to you" 

My friends get closer to us and their eyes feel with curiosity as they stare at my brother 

"Mom," I say. 

Ji-Eun, Sakari and Dewayne laugh. 

"Well we have to talk about something important so we won't be doing too many illegal things" Ji-Eun  winks 

Pauls mouth widens,  "What no! Forget this"

"Nope!  you're stuck with me", I playfully grab my brother's arm as we begin to walk into the woods. 


"You shouldn't have been doing this Chioma, this goes against council rules, this goes against nature" 

 Chioma stays still with her eyes glued to Head Witch, Anne. Following her around as she paces in front of her. 

"What would you gain from this? What", Anne's voice bounces of the walls of the cold abandoned building 

Freedom, Chioma says sternly. I'm tired of being stuck here. With those added powers, I would have been able to escape with no one stopping me.  

Anne remains silent

"A council so concerned about my actions neglects the women and poor people of this community. Ignores the opinions of those outside of the council. And-

STOP IT. I will not hear your excuses.....I have loved you as much as an Aunt can. But we have already finalized our decision.  The rules of my council that looks over me will always be upheld. 

You will get this so-called freedom that you want, Chioma. Just not the way you want it. 


Sitting in our usual spot, I sit close to Dewayne who out of habit has his arms placed on my shoulders. As I look up at him, I slowly feel myself getting lost in his smell and the heat of his body. 

Ever since we were little I have felt tied to him in ways I could never describe. We've had each other back's. Bore the same birthmark and knew each others secrets. It was as if we were soulmates.

I remember one night asking my mom about it with her quickly explaining, 

"Darling the birthmark and the connection you feel to Dewayne could all just be by luck. You have to wait until the binding ceremony to be certain of anything. We go by the rules here. Okay Mercy.."

So of course, I remain patient as my love for Dewayne grows. A love I know won't end well. 

Dewayne stares back at me,  I look away. 

"So, what is this important thing you have to talk about" 

Ji-Eun, Dewayne and Sakari make eye contact. 

Sakari clears her throat, "Umm... I overheard the council came to an agreement on how to punish your sister for her crimes, umm how do I put this " 

My eyes widen in confusion. What are they talking about?

Ji-Eun starts to walk towards me

"They're going to cut your sisters head off, Mercy. She's been sentenced to death" 


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