|| Chapter 2 ||

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She pulled out her phone and scrolled through her batch of notifications.  They were all labeled, "Missed Facetime Call From Yū" Hikaru grimaced as she opened Nishinoya's contact.  "Is something wrong?" she sent the message, then shoved the phone back into her pocket. 

Nakamura turned her camera on and started taking pictures of the sunrise.  The view of the sun in Miyagi Prefecture was pretty impressive.  She let her camera dangle from her neck as she admired the mix of black and blue in the sky.  Hikaru started to pack up her tool until she heard footsteps. It appeared to be Tamiko Yoko.

'Tamiko!' Nakamura flicked her wrist in a greeting gesture, when she saw a familiar face appear.  It was a brunette who had her focus stuck on a gameboy.  The female looked up and repeated another greeting motion.  She slid the electronic into her bag as she walked over to the second year.  'Want to walk to school together?' Hikaru motioned, a grin planted on her face.  The gamer shrugged, then positioned her hands in different ways. "Sure, why not."

On their way to school, Nakamura showed Tamiko the photos she had taken of the sunrise.  'They're great, Nakamura!' the brunette moved her hands from left to right.  In the end, the silver-locked second year gave all of the memories to her intimate. As soon as they arrived at school, they separated. 'See you at volleyball practice,' Yoko quickly signed. Hikaru nodded and snuck in a small wave.

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