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I woke up with a sudden splash of water on my face. My face is wet. My bed is wet. Even my pilllow got wet.

What the heck, Claire?!

I got up and looked for the culprit. I saw her rushed to the opposite side of the bed with her hands doing the peace sign. "Im sorry Colin, Charles told me to wake you up. I'm just following the bro's orders."

I shook my head in amusment and gestured her to come beside me on the bed.

She hugged me so sweetly, "Good Morning to the most handsome brother!" I hugged her back for a while and then tickled her so much.

She was giggling so loud and pleading for me stop but I didn't.

This is what you get for splashing water on me.

Ugh. Dang it, I should have just slapped you instead of the water thing.

I tickled her more because of that. Suddenly the door swung open and Charles went in. "I told you to wake him up not play with him", he growled at Claire.

"Why are you so grumpy, huh?" I got annoyed at what she did to our sister. He doesn't need to be angry just because of that, come on.

He looked at me in an instant "Pack duties, Sir. In case you forgot, you are a werewolf." I stood up right away and grabbed some shirt. "I never forget Charles, and its still early."

Before walking out annoyed, he quickly grabbed my hand. "Lucius is in the kitchen. We just got an order from yesterday about the Hydes." Hearing that, I hurriedly went down and looked for him.

Lucius saw me right away as I went down the stairs. "Ohh, loverboy is here." He's smirking at me while grabbing an apple in the counter. "I never got a chance to ask about what happend the other night bro. Did you finally had a great time with your mate?" He smirked even more.

"Not now! Tell me what's happening with the Hydes" he took a deep breathe before starting to spill it.

"The Hydes were attacked the other day when we went to the bar. Alpha Quil Hyde came here this morning to talk to Alpha Jasper, your dad, about the alliance. Apparently, from what I heard, its the rogues." He explains to me as he eat his apple.

"Rogues from where? Did they get any details?"

"They're led by Eric" Charles interjected.

Eric was used to be part of the pack of Hydes, our closest allies. He fell in love with Victoria Hyde back then but she dumped him because he was not her mate. From the stories I've heard, Eric got so mad because his love wasn't reciprocated so he tried to rape her. Good thing Alpha Quil, dad of Victoria, caught him right on time. Because of that, they threw him out of the pack and became a rogue.

Victoria and I are of the same age. We've met each other when we were about 6 years old but I've never seen her again after that. I didn't even know how she's doing or how tall she got but, are family are really good friends and allies.

"Dad told me to help you train the pack today just to be ready for any attacks. When you're busy about the business, I'll take over and lead" Charles continued to tell me.

"Are we the next targets?" I sigh in frustration. I never thought of carrying both heavy responsibilities like this. Launch of a new product vs. Attack of rogues.

"Not certain. We might be but we need to help the Hydes if they were attacked again." I just nodded at what he said.

I glanced both at Lucius and Charles and gave them an order. "Gather all of the pack in the camp in ten minutes. Even those who haven't shifted yet. Tell them to get ready for warm up, workout, battle and combat training."

This is gonna be a long day.


Its now 6 o'clock in the evening and I have sent everyone back to their house to rest. Our day ended with a battle coaching which I normally do when I'm the one training. I usually tell everyone to pair up according to strength. Everyone is required to shift to their wolf and do the combat training in that form.

It is necessary to know how to fight in our wolf form and not just to attack randomly. A good use of such power is an edge in winning any battle. That's what I've learned from dad.

The sun is setting already and I've decided to head home as well. Charles and Claire went in and I can see how tired they are as well, especially Claire. Poor her, I know she's still young but when unexpected attacks come, its quite handy if you know how to protect yourself.

After showering and rinsing all the dirt and sweat. I just laid in my bed without any agenda to do in mind.

I'm tired. If only she's with me right now, maybe she could ease up the tension I'm feeling.

I still can't forget how she left me alone in the hotel that morning leaving to trace at all. Not even a note. No hints if she liked what we did or not. I don't understand why she have to leave. I told her that we will talk, but why would she...Ugh!

Day by day I'm getting frustrated because of this longing I'm feeling with my mate. When can I have her by my side? How long should I wait?

Quickly, I grabbed my phone to call someone I know who can help me.

As he answered the phone, "This is Colin, I have job for you."

"What can I do to help, Sir Coleman?"

"Investigate about Thalia Rose. I wanna know where she lives and where she works."

"Copy Sir"

No one is running away, Thalia. No one.


Author's note:

Another problem arises for Colin. Poor Colin trying to balance work, pack and love.

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