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The department meeting with the boses went well than I expected. To be honest, I wasn't worried about them discussing my proposed ad or the future projects to come. I was concerned of meeting him again more so, in the office where he owns. Yet, like I said, it wasn't that bad.

For the whole two hours, he only glanced at me when they asked about updates. Regardless, he pretty much didn't pay attention to me. He was in his President mode, he was focused on the reports and that alone. And I don't know if I was shocked or annoyed by that.

They ended the whole meeting with the announcement of the tentative date for the launching party. It would be a few months from now and every department must be involved in the preparation. He was quite strict and stern abouy making everything perfect which was a good thing I suppose.

"That concludes today's assembly. I hope everything will be prepared before the event. Make sure to collaborate with other departments as well. I expect more from everyone of you."

After adjourning the meeting, Charles quickly stood up from his seat and gestured everyone to leave.

Its funny how he's leading everyone outside like he's been wanting to go out of extreme boredom. I can see how he's the opposite of his strict brother. I smiled and just shrugged the thought. Maybe he's just tired and wanted to finally rest as well.

As most of my colleagues rushed out, I noticed how he glanced at Colin who is still sitting so comfortably in his chair. They were staring for so long like they're talking but just with their eyes. They're probably that close to be able to converse with just mere looks.

Like a twin telepathy. Except they aren't twins, or maybe they are. Wait, are they?

Charles went out as soon as everybody did and I was just right behind him walkin towards the door. As I pass Colin, he quickly grabbed my wrist and pulled me to the table to sit.

"Why did you leave?"



"Huh?" She said.

I don't know what to feel as I saw her today. I cannot believe that she actually works here at our company. I don't know if I should be glad about that or troubled because she will clearly avoid me.

She's now sitting on the table across the chair I am sitting on. I noticed how she keeps on glancing by the glass door probably looking if her colleagues are still there.

"Don't worry about them, I told Charles to lead them back to your department. As for you and I, we'll have a private meeting."

"P-private meeting?"

I looked at her eyes and let go of her wrist. She seems anxious of how we are positioned right now so I stood up and kept a fair distance.

"That night, I told you we would talk but the next morning you were nowhere to be found." I glanced back at her and she couldn't look back at my face.

"I left." She plays with her thumb.

"Yes, I figured, but why Thalia?" I'm getting a angry about her not responding to my questions. I tried to calm myself down and my wolf inside me.

"Because it was awkward..."

I stepped closer, trapping her in the table as I put my arms between her. "We talked and danced endlessly and you did not feel awkward that time. You even went with me at the hotel!"

"Did you honestly think you would wake up seeing me beside your bed? It was a one night stand!" She snapped back at me with her furious eyes now locked in mine.

"Well Ms. Thalia, I was worried that morning! Did you know that? I looked for you everywhere. I alerted every staff of that god damn hotel just to know where you went. I even called the cops to help me search!" I stepped back trying to calm down from the anger.

"I was scared and here you thought it was just a one night stand." I sigh.

"Why does it matter to you so much?"

"Why does is not to you?"

We both stayed silent for a while trying to absorb everything.

I can see how she's in deep thought. How I wish our bond grows stronger and would fulfill the mating process so that I can read her thoughts.

"I like you" I blurted out which seems to get her full attention.

"Its matters to me because I like you. For me, that was never a one night stand. I felt that what we shared at the club was a genuine connection. It wasn't something I jumped onto because I was drunk. I was sober the whole night, Thalia."

"I clearly knew what I was doing too that night." That caught my attention. "Im not the kind of girl who would say yes to the hotel, if I weren't feeling a genuine connection too." I smiled at that thought.

"Are we good now? Are you still feeling awkward?" I tapped her shoulders trying to somewhat comfort her. "Yes of course. A bit embarassed about everything too." She admittedly said.

"You don't have to. I know its quite fast, but I want to show how much I like you." She seems shocked but it faded right away and conceals her emotions.

"You don't have to like me back at an instant. I just want to show you how much I care. I want you to feel how special you are to me."

She smiled at that.

"But, wouldn't that be unfair to you, if you put it all in and I ended up not liking you in the end?" She said.

I shook my head in disagreement. "No. That wouldn't be a problem. I just really want to treat you special. If after sometime you don't feel anything back, then I can stop." I smiled at her with reassurance.

I will never stop. I will make sure you will fall for me in an instant because I have no plans in treating you anyless.

You are mine baby. From the day I saw you at the park.

You are mine.


Author's note:

Ohhhh, who's excited to see Colin's plans to make Lia fall in instant? I AM!

Will he say he's a werewolf tho?

Leave some love and comments in this chapter


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