C H A P T E R 1 : P E R I O D S

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Is this what dying feels like?

It hurts so much, I don't think I will survive this time. I wince and suck in breath through my teeth as another spasm of pain hits me. I cannot even move my right leg without the pain hitting me like someone is drilling a hole in my thigh.

I look at my bedside table and see the bottle of pills, I thought, no hoped that I could go through it without having to capitulate to them.

Just as I am about to grab the pills, bright light comes out of nowhere and for a moment I am blinded by it's sheer brightness as my room was pretty dark uptil now.

Has my time come? No! I am too young to die! How old am I again?

"Ana? Why is it so dark here?"

Ah, it's my loving, good at everything brother, who ate my cake the other day. I don't think I will due today but I am going to kill him when I am not on my freaking periods. He should be thankful that I got my periods because I don't literally want to kill him.

"What do you want?" I ask him, annoyed for making my painful hours even worse.

"Are you still mad at me for eating that piece of cake?" He asks coming inside the room like he is the king, switching on the lights like he owns the room. That annoying piece of crap!

If you know me, you should know that I love my sweets to death. If it's sweet, I will eat it without question and no one comes between me and my sweets. That's my only rule and my prick of a brother ate my cake yesterday without any care and thinks that I will forgive him this easily!

"Don't! Just stop it, tell my why did you come here and GET LOST!" I reply back loudly, well as loudly as I can, giving him the stink eye.

"Aww sis, I told you I didn't know that it was yours. I will buy you one, no two big jars of nutella, then will you forgive me?" He pouts.

I just glare at him, holding my stomach and wince when another wave hits me.

His face softens when he sees my wince. He smiles and says, "I came here to tell you that mom said that you sould take the damn pills and get rid of the pain for now. I think she mentioned something about not making a huge drama about it, or a soap opera."

I just look at him blankly and open my mouth to retort when someone else interrupts our little heart to heart.

"Didn't dad had that 'We are the men of the household and it's our duty to take care and cherish the women of our household, especially when they are on their periods' talk with you like yesterday for the billionth time?"

I look at our little sister, Silver and laugh a little at her statement (Yes, her name is Silver and with my brother being named Obsidian, I should be thankful that my parents didn't name me Graphite or something).

However much Obsidian loves us, being the nice, note the sarcasm, brother he is, he cannot resist messing with us. Although he does takes it down a couple of notches when we have our periods and is considerate but dad still felt the need to give him the lecture, for his safety that is. We, fire women tend to be quite agressive in general but even more so during our periods.

But in order to not hurt his pride, dad makes it sound like we are fragile or something, but I think Obsidian is old enough to understand the real reason, poor him.

Hearing Silver's words Obsidian rolls his eyes and replies, "I just came here to tell her to take these earth pills. Mom will get the shipments earlier than tomorrow evening, An can take those then. For now she should just do something to make the pain go away."

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