C H A P T E R 2 : MEN'S?

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"Ok children, I got a message from the Great Council this morning and according to them the selection of the new ruler of all the kingdoms is to be held this year. So we have return as soon as possible." Ma informs us as we eat our breakfast.

"Yes, I was about to talk about the same thing. As your ma said we have to return ASAP, how about this saturday? You can take off from school on friday to pack. We too have to get our jobs sorted and inform your school too."

"I have the paperwork ready, I am going to give the authority of my company to Ms. Bisera. In case of future problems, she has my email, so it will be easy to help her get settled during her beginning months."

"Wait, wait let us digest the news first. We are going back? New rulers? That's too much and too sudden." Silver almost chokes on the cold milk that she is drinking as she literally throws the questions at ma and dad.

I too am shocked but not to the extent of choking on whatever is in my mouth. As Silver said, all of it is too sudden.

"Manners, Silver." Ma reprimands her is a strict tone.

"All of the kingdoms this year?" Obsidian too appears to be a little shocked.

In our world, there are four kingdoms, the Pavak or the fire kingdom, the Neer or the water kingdom, the Vaya or the air kingdom and the Ki or the earth kingdom. The kingdoms are neither monarchs nor do they follow democracy,  although it is somewhat similar to democracy but still it is extremely different. The system is pretty complex or weird, depends on how one perceives it. The real 'masters'* of our world are actually the mystical creatures, each kingdom has one. Some people believe that those creatures are actually gods and goddesses but the majority believe that they are the representatives of the actual gods and goddesses. The selected emperor or the empress are further representatives of those magical creatures that rule the kingdoms to prevent chaos and maintain order. The mystical beings do not interfere unless it's time for the new ruler or their kingdom is in grave danger.

*I didn't know what else to use.

The selection of the new ruler or in other words Empress or Emperor is conducted by the mystical creatures. Those mystical creatures are said to be living since the beginning of our dimension. So, basically they know everything and are wise beings. The chosen Emperor or the Empress is chosen based on their qualities and the kingdom's needs. The moment the emperor's or the empress' heart changes, the selection for the new ruler takes place. But sometimes, it is because the ruler is now old and in need of a retirement.

"I am so excited! We will have so much fun at all the festivities!" Silver squeals with excitement when she gets over the shock of it all and I nod along with her.

"Also, it's our last year at elemental school." I say pointing to Obsidian and myself.

"Yes, yes." Obsidian laughs as he looks at my excited form.

Although we have an age difference of five years, Obby and I are in same year at elemental school. In Strass, the children don't have standard ages set for their schooling years. Every child grows at their own pace and attends their schooling according to the same.

The child who starts schooling at 6 is no smarter than the one who starts at 10 as both the physical and mental growth run hand in hand, meaning that both the 6 year old and 10 year old will look and act the same and since we live for so long it won't matter that much. We, the people of Strass strongly believe that every child is unique in itself.

"So much work!" Ma says with a troubled expression and rests her head on dad's shoulder, bringing me back to the matter at hand.

Dad laughs at all our replies but he too stops laughing when mom reminds him all the work they would have to do since they are on the royal council. They should be thankful they are not on the Great Council.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2020 ⏰

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