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Lisa, continuously ran her fingers on the table one by one creating a little noise like those of horses running. This was something she would always do when nervous.

She had just talked to her manager about the terminating of the contract. She and the girls decided to end the contract with YG because they felt like their dreams were not reached in this company. They just felt like they were being models instead of being idols. Sure they were successful, but their dream was to become musicians, not models.

She stood up quietly and paced while biting her nails. A door opened and Lisa turned around as her back was facing the door. She found her manager staring back at her smiling gently. Her manager had always been caring of her and was always by her side like her true father.

"You're contract has been terminated. Even though you didn't really do anything that would terminate the contract, your request was still accepted. You know how the company will be debuting a new girl group." Her manager stated. She just smiled back happily. After how many years of enduring all this, she was finally free. The girls were too!

She sighed in relief as she was finally free. Her manager was still at YG which made her a little bit sad. YG was planning to debut a girl group namely WILT. Thats the reason why her contract was easily terminated. BLACKPINK was once the moneymaker but now that a girlgroup was debuting, they paid no mind at the others—its not like they do— and was focusing on the debut.

BLACKPINK girls had been separated. Chaeyoung started to be a youtuber, mainly reviewing foods, but she is also an idol at SM as a soloist. Jisoo, pursues being an actress—she was great at it—recently she was announced to be a lead actress in an upcoming drama called True Beauty along with the actor Cha Eunwoo. Jennie continued being a model as she was getting more and more offers ever since she released her glasses at Jentle Home.

Lisa, shes been thinking about where she will audition. She still wants to be an idol as that was her lifelong dream. Just then, she got a notification. She installed this app where it will notify you if ever there are kpop auditions.

She fished her phone out of her pocket and turned it on. Seeing that she got a notification from the app she went to the app. There is an ongoing audition at BigHit. She contemplated whether or not she will audition.

The company was still at the top even when half of Bangtan was currently in the military for their mandatory thing. Their maknae was the only one left as he was not yet ready. He was currently hitting the billboard all by himself.

At the same time, Lisa grimaced thinking about the shippers that would think something is going in between the two of them. But then again, she thought of her goals, her dreams. 'this is for myself' she thought. And so she dressed up. She wore a bucket hat, a face mask, a crop top and sweatpants.

She arrived at the Bighit building. Looking up, she let out a deep breathe, inhaling and exhaling. As she went in, a lot of people looked at her direction. She was known worldwide so it wouldn't really shock her if anybody found her familiar even with masks and bucket hats.

She talked to the person at the desk asking for where the audition is and the person showed her a long line. "Oh boy" she muttered remembering the time when she was auditioning for YG. It was also a long line.

Patiently waiting, she grabbed snacks and ate them while standing in line. There were about 15 more people before and her. Scrolling through her phone, she saw BLACKPINK's video. She smiled unintentionally letting a tear out. "Ah whats with me?" She says as she wiped the tear from her face. As she was wiping, she didn't know that it was her turn until the person behind her nudged her to move.

As she walk in, she heard a "Please remove your mask and hat" from the director to which she obliged. Gasps were heard, it was a good thing that it was held in a private room and people are only allowed to enter if its their turn. "Miss Lisa? You are from BLACKPINK aren't you? What brings you here?" One of the judges asked.

She already expected this. Them, asking 'why?'. The termination isn't announced yet. "I...my contract has been terminated." she says looking down and fiddling with her fingers.

"I'll be honest with you Miss Lisa, we wanted you ever since you were a trainee. I personally think you're a great artist. Where are your members? Oh, im sorry for asking that." The director was clearly a blink and she smiled thinking that blinks will always be with her no matter what.

"Its okay. My members are pursuing what they wanted to pursuit." She answers smiling. "Do we really need to see her audition?" The director once again asked. The others shook their head implying a 'no' however, Lisa felt like it was unfair for the others and so she spoke up "Uhm uhh... I will uhh..can I still show my audition? I mean its unfair for the people outside." at this, the judges smiled. She was a really kind person. They nodded their heads and Lisa started dancing.

The directors and all the people inside the room was amazed. They saw the idol perform but it was not up close. Up close, she looked amazing while dancing! Her body moving along with the beat like it was one.
They all clapped their hands in acknowledgement.

The audition ended and it seems like Lisa passed. She doesn't really need to be a trainee so she was told that she was going to debut as a soloist while the others that also passed will become a trainee before they debut.

"We will call you Miss Lisa for further instructions from the higher up." The director said and smiled. Lisa bowed and when she got up she saw how the director was smiling while talking with the others.
She put on her bucket hat and mask again scared that people would recognize her.


hope you enjoyed it!! who am i even talking to hehe if ever your reading this Godbless you!


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