Dead or alive?

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James POV
I woke up in a box. OUCH! What was that?
My wand was placed on my chest so I grabbed it " CONFRINGO!"  I got out and the nights memories came rushing back "Lily, take Harry and go! It's him! I'll hold him off!"  lily.  Where's lily and harry are they ok!?  did they live!? Questions came in my mind till I heard a explosion" Lily!"" James... James! " she sobbed
"I couldn't save harry" as I looked what the box thing was I was shocked.

   In the love memory of
James potter.             Lily potter
Born in march 27 1970.   Born in January 30 1970
Both died at  October 31st. 19(idk)
The last enemy to be destroyed is death

We died "where's Harry!?" "I don't know" we went into our home destroyed. We both ran up the stairs to a nursery. The crib was broken and  so was the wall. "Let's go to Dumbledore" lily nodded.

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