Pretty Lady

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Miyuki POV
Father has yet to find me and I can hear a lot of banging sounds. I can hear footsteps and look to my left and see a very elegant figure walking towards me. Uh ohh I don't know this person...should I hide. I try to crawl the opposite direction as sneakily as possible but it seems I wasn't sneaky enough. "Oh my. Child are you possibly lost?" I look up and see, a might I say, very very verrrryyy pretty lady although Mother's still the prettiest. Nodding my head to my own statement, I literally forgot about the lady before she suddenly lifted me up. Who is this lady!? She suddenly picks me up and I don't even know who she is. Father where are you...

Authors POV

Miyuki has been picked up by an unknown lady and judging by her accessories she seems to be a noble. The lady began to talk to Miyuki about things such as her life and her children. In short this lady was pretty chill in Miyukis eyes. The lady continues to talk when she realised she had forgotten to introduce herself.

The Lady's POV
It's a very lovely evening so I decide to leave my work and go for a stroll, when I came across a child. "Oh my. Child are you possibly lost" I stare at the child and it seems she's only a few months old. The child nods her head but not towards my statement but to herself? I pick her up and begin to walk back to my office when I start to chatter to the child. "I wonder how a young child like you ended up here." I look at the child and she stares at me in confusion and then I realised I have yet to tell her my name. Although I don't think she'll remember who I am. "Sorry I have been rambling for so long I have yet to introduce myself. My my how forgetful of me" I pat the child's head and look her in the eyes and smile. "Well child, My name is...

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ahhh use thought it was gona be long aye 👀

Bahaha nah I was writing ideas but then y'all were askin for a chapter so I jus did a quick short chapter then continue it on the next one aka part 2.
Anyway it's been forever hasn't it🤔
How's your lockdown life going so far?

The next thing I'll post is probably another character thingy but it'll be about the capture targets. So if y'all have any ideas of capture targets or want me to add one of your choice comment it or watever and I'll see what I can do🤙

Sweet have a good night or morning my dudes ✌🏽
(Any spelling mistakes or if it don't make no sense jus point it out and I'll fix it)

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