I have a feeling she has your personality....

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"My name is...Laura Wilson"

The Fathers POV
"HAS ANYONE FOUND HER!? ANYONE? YOUR RANKS DONT MATTER TO ME ANYMORE" it seems like I'm about to die tonight...oh my life if my wife hears about this...

Authors POV
As the Duke was clearly panicking one of the guards came up to him with information on the missing Miyuki.
"Sir! We have reports on a small girl wondering the castle halls, near the East-"
The soldier didn't even finish his sentence before the Duke bolted like lightening towards the east side of the castle. He finally reaches the halls and begins to look around before his eyes widen in shock at the sight he sees.

Miyukis POV
Who is this lady? She's so prettyyyy. I look up at her and give her the biggest grin before she laughs and says "My My you sure do look like your Father. But I do wonder how on earth did you end up in the East side of the castle?"
Huh? Did she say Eastside? Didn't my Father say the training grounds was in the West side or something? Before my thoughts could continue I noticed a person in the corner of my eye, panting like they ran away from lions or something. I turn my head and realise it was my Father! At the sight of my father my eyes lit up, shining with sparkles, happy that he FINALLY found me. I began to laugh while reaching out to him as he finally grabbed me off the lady and hugged me. I just hugged him back glad my Father finally found me like bruh how the heck did I end up on the opposite side of the training grounds.

Fathers POV
As I grab Miyuki and hug her I begin to bow to the lady in front of me also know as my wife's best friend. "sigh thank you Laura for finding her. If my lovely wife hears of this I would've been dead" she then just laughs and says "it's fine Alexander. I won't say a word to Veronica. Unless she asks me that is a different story" as those words left her mouth colour soon drained from my face as I thought about what my wife would do if she ever found out.
"Laura please do not speak of this to her. But I must ask why is the Queen of the kingdom on the East side of the castle when she should be recovering in her bedroom hm? I wonder what would happen if the King heard of this" upon saying those words we both stared at each other before nodding as if to say 'I won't tell Ronnie you lost your daughter if you don't tell my husband I was wondering around'
"Anyways Alexander May I ask who this beautiful girl is? She looks a lot like Ronnie but I have the feeling she has your personality" she says. Confused I asked "what do you mean 'my personality' Laura?"
"I mean exactly what I said. She has that idiotic grin of yours and if I'm correct when she gets serious she'll have your deadly stare"
I go silent for a minute before looking down at my daughter who seems to be peacefully sleeping and looking back up chuckling abit.
"If she ends up having my personality that must mean her twin brother will either be the same or the complete opposite just like their mother. Oh right this cute monster here is Miyuki and her brother is Ryunosuke but he is currently with Veronica(his wife) at the moment."
"I see she is very cute indeed. and a monster you say? I won't pry on what you mean by that but I must say I'm glad your kids are not afraid of you"
A small smile is placed onto my face as I nod my head to her statement. I then turn my head to see the sun has long past noon and look at Laura before we both bid our goodbyes knowing if we both don't go we'd get caught. Rushing back to the training grounds I begin to pick out a few guards in my mind to make them Miyukis personal guard.

hellooo is it me your looking forrrr~
lol anyway another update at long last haha
Hope y'all enjoyed Peace Out ✌️
(Capture targets character info will be out soon)

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