Kakyoin looked happier than he had for the past nine days. Today is the day. Today, I'm gonna tell him how I feel. Kakyoin looked over at Jotaro, who was busily writing down the note for the day's lesson.

The lesson was about feelings and why you feel them. It was probably the most interesting lecture Kakyoin could ever remember.

The lesson came to an end and the students were released for the lunch break. Kakyoin and Jotaro went up to their usual spot. "Hey, Jotaro."

"What is it?"

"Thanks for what you did. I really appreciate it."

"You're welcome."

"If it's alright, I may stop by my house after school. Also, I wanna ask you something. "


"I need you to meet me in the art room after the club's dismissal. I want to talk to you about something very important. It's not about my father or anything bad."

Jotaro looked at him with a confused look. He sighed. "I suppose I can do that."

"Thanks. "

They stood there. Just looking out into the sky. It was pretty. Bright and colorful scenery that you could see for miles. It was beautiful. Kakyoin wanted to paint it.

They had to go back to class. They had a test and they were to be graded and given back tomorrow. It was the end of the day soon. Kakyoin sighed. He looked out the window to see the evening sky.

One last time before he left. His smile was bittersweet as he left the room.

He went to the art room, Aoi was there painting. She looked up when she noticed him and waved. "Heya! Noriaki!"

"Hey, Aoi." Kakyoin took his seat next to her.

"I missed you! Why weren't you here for the last couple of day's?"

"I was dealing with some personal problems. but I'm back now so don't worry."


Kakyoin got out his sketchbook. Just a few more minor details and it would be finished. "I still think that's good."

"Thank you. I think you're painting is great too."Kakyoin said back. Aoi had painted roses with a sunset.

"Thank you!" Aoi said back with a smile. They sat there, working on their art. A nice evening.

"Hey, Aoi."

"Yeah. What is it?"

"I won't forget you. Thanks for being my friend."

"You're welcome I guess."

"Ah. It's already time for me to leave. Goodbye, Aoi."

"Bye-bye!" She waved with a smile. "Have a good day."

"You too."

Kakyoin walked out. He saw Jotaro already out in the halls.

"What do you wanna tell me Kakyoin?" Jotaro asked.

Kakyoin looked around the hall. Nobody was around but it didn't feel right. "Follow me."

They both walked into the courtyard. A place Jotaro rarely visited. "What is it that you wanted to tell me."

Kakyoin felt his heart in his throat. This is it. The moment I've been looking forward to for so long. He felt his face, no, his whole body. He sighed. "I can't keep it inside anymore. Listen up, okay, because this takes a lot to say." He took a deep breath. "I'm in love with you Jotaro." Kakyoin's heart skipped a beat.

Jotaro stepped back. His eyes widened and his face flushed. This is it. He is gonna hate me. He is gonna hate me. He is gonna hate me. He is gonna-

Jotaro wrapped his arms around Kakyoin. "I've been waiting for you to say that for the longest time. There have been times where I almost screamed out my feelings. I love you too." Kakyoin hugged him tighter. "I love you, Jotaro. and I felt the need to say it." Kakyoin let go and began to leave the courtyard.

"Because we are out of time."

Jotaro just stood there. He looked up into the sky. it was beginning to rain. He looked out into the direction where Kakyoin left. He wasn't there. He had headed home. Jotaro felt happiness in his heart. He smiled brightly and walked out of there too. There was no need for him to stay.

Jotaro went home and noticed Kakyoin wasn't there. He did say that he as gonna go by there. He didn't know for how long. He didn't go chase him. He needs time alone too.

By nighttime, Kakyoin finally showed up at home. "Sorry I was gone for so long. I cleaned up the house and made myself dinner. I got you some leftovers." He handed him a small container of food. "Thank you."

Kakyoin laid on Jotaro's bed. "I'm tired."

"I would imagine. " Jotaro laid next to him and wrapped his arms around him. Kakyoin nuzzled his face on Jotaro's neck, leaving small breathes "We should go to sleep."

Kakyoin smiled. "Goodnight, Jotaro. I love you. "

"I love you too."

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