Jotaro woke up. It was Saturday and they didn't have school today. He sat up and stretched. He looked around and noticed Kakyoin wasn't there in his room. Weird... maybe he went to his room to sleep for the night. He goes over to his room. He wasn't there.

Where is he? Where could he have gone? Jotaro checked the entire house. But he was nowhere to be seen. He looked everywhere he could think of.

Jotaro ran back to his room and noticed his phone and looked at it. "Cherry blossom boi: I'm heading out to my house again. I'll be back by 8:30 this morning,"

His house? He has to be there! Why didn't I think of that before? But it's already 9:30. I need to check on him!

He changed into suitable clothes and ran out the door, leaving Holly a note. 

He ran out to Kakyoin's house. He then turned the knob to the door. The door was unlocked.

He went inside. Everything looked to be normal. He looked around the house. He saw a bedroom door open. Nobody was in there but on the desk was what looked like a few lines crack, one halfway snorted. "So his father was on drugs huh? Jeez. I know I smoke but at least that's legal."

He noticed something sticking out of the closet. It was a garbage bag that looked to be human inside. It smelled awful. Jotaro just backed away and went out of the room.

He went upstairs to see blood smeared on the wall and floor. What happened here? Don't tell me- He looked around the hall to see a woman who looked very similar to Kakyoin, on the floor with a knife poking out of her chest. She had fear frozen on her face. Jotaro just looked at her with wide-open eyes and backed away in fear. Who killed her? I don't think it can be his dad so it would be-

Jotaro began to open doors in a panic to find Kakyoin. Please be alright, please.

He opened a door. All it took was one door.

What he saw would forever haunt him. Kakyoin lay on the bathroom floor.


Jotaro's eyes widened and felt extremely weak. He had a feeling this was what it had come to but the very fact that he was right in front of him hit him hard.

He was sitting there, leaning against the wall, his eyes showed no emotion whatsoever, no sign of life, not even a heartbeat. Just dull purple eyes, not even a spark of life. His body was slightly warm. He was killed just an hour ago. Jotaro looked around the floor to see candy-colored pills everywhere.

He saw a prescription bottle, nearly empty, with a few of those pills left inside.

"Kakyoin." Jotaro fell to the floor sobbing. "Why Kakyoin? Why?" Joraro was too late. Jotaro knew he could have stopped this somehow. The memories came back. The times they talked during lunch when they went to the library, where Kakyoin was rambling about video games. When Kakyoin opened up to him about his home. When he caught Kakyoin cutting open his thigh and treated it for him. When they met for the first time when they were only twelve. 

Jotaro stood back up. His eyes showed no emotion. He snapped. Kakyoin was his only reason to wake up. He walked into the kitchen. No. knife would be too painful. A gun would be much quicker.

He went back into the room and just his luck, a pistol with one bullet lay on the desk as well. He picked it up and walked back to Kakyoin and sat next to him.

"If you're planning your death, why didn't you invite me? If I'm gonna die, it better be by your side." Jotaro grabbed Kakyoin's hand, interlocking it with his fingers. Jotaro smiled crazily but peacefully. "Goodbye. I'll miss you all."


The gun dropped and Jotaro's lifeless hand dropped into the floor. Blood dripped from his head. The gun was still smoking. They both lay there together.

That's all Jotaro could have ever wanted.

An hour later. The police came by, a nearby neighbor heard a gunshot. Yau, Yau's mother, a few other policemen, and Holly stood outside the house.

They went inside. Holly knew the inside of the house very well, she used to come over all the time. She went upstairs to the hallway and screamed. Kakyoin's mother was found dead.

Yua's mother ran up. She looked at her. "It's a shame she is gone but I don't see any gunshot wounds. She was stabbed to death. Who shot a gun?"

Yua looked at the bathroom door and opened it. She saw Jotaro and Kakyoin laying on the floor in a pool of blood themselves. She jumped back. Yua has seen so many bodies before when she works with her mother but Kakyoin and Jotaro were unexpected. Mainly Jotaro.

"Mom. Holly." Yua called for them. They came running. Holly screamed and ran towards her dead son. Yua's mother just looked scared. They took a closer look. Kakyoin wasn't bleeding. He had pills down his throat and bloodied hands. "Kakyoin may have been the one who stabbed his mother. He is the only one with bloodied hands. Jotaro seems to have shot himself with the gun on the floor. That's what the neighbors must have heard."

"But why?" Holly was choking in her sobbing.

Yua's mother continued. "Kakyoin's body is cold now. He probably died 2 hours ago. Whereas Jotaro is still slightly warm. Kakyoin's mother was first to go with stab wounds. Then, may be out of guilt for killing his mother, Kakyoin overdosed. Jotaro most likely discovered the body before anyone else and shot himself out of despair. Making Kakyoin's and Jotaro's death a suicide. And Kakyoin's mother a murder."

The rest of the day contains Holly and Yau mourning their losses and the police conduct an investigation. The police didn't find anything new. Kakyoin's figure prints were on the knife used to kill his mother and on the prescription bottle. His motive is unknown. Jotaro's fingerprints were on the gun.

The story ended in tragedy. Thanks for reading.

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