part 2

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Chapter 2

As they beamed through the tunnel of light, Thrawn was still struggling to break free. Ezra, still controlling the minds of the Purrgil, with intense concentration. The ship's shields were able to contain the atmospheric pressure inside the whole ship, despite dozens of tentacles penetrating it's hull.

After 15 minutes of grunting, Thrawn was still unable to break free from the Purrgil's grasp and eventually gave up trying to do so. He eyed Ezra instead, whom still had his eyes shut with his hand reaching out towards Thrawn.

Eventually, he opened his eyes, looking straight at Thrawn. His face began to relax and his arm went back to his side. His connection with the Purrgils were complete, they had finished their task. They stared at each other for a few seconds before the was ship finally out of hyperspace. The Purrgils released their tentacles, from the Star Destroyer, freeing Thrawn from his prison.

He fell to the floor with a thud, landing in a kneeling position. He stood up carefully but swiftly, returning to his usual upright stance. All while looking straight at the young Jedi who had a blaster aimed at him.

"You need me Bridger." Thrawn said.

"What makes you say that?" Ezra scoffed.

"How do you plan on leaving the ship and returning to your friends? In any minute, squads upon squads of Stormtroopers would enter and apprehend you. Some might even be obliged to eliminate you right here." He looked around at dozen of troopers and naval crew lying around the bridge. They might have been dead, though passed out is more likely.

It was true. Ezra needed Thrawn. This Star Destroyer did not have any ships to enter hyperspace. No Lambda shuttles were onboard, no Defenders either. Hundreds of Stormtroopers were already enroute to the bridge. To leave this sector, they had to travel only by the Destroyer's hyperdrive, which Bridger cannot operate by himself.

Ezra thought about for a while, gazing at the Purrgils which were almost out of sight.

"You have a point. But I can't do that." Ezra said.

"I know you do not trust me Bridger, however we have to work together to leave this system." Thrawn said.

That was also true. A simple glance at the navigational and communication systems were evident that they were beyond repair. He needed Ezra to utilize his Force capabilities to lead the ship.

"You don't need my help. You have a whole ship." Ezra said.

"A crippled ship." Thrawn added. "The navigational systems seem to be at a state of non-repair. It would seem the native wildlife you controlled did a little too much damage."

"Even if I could help which I'm clueless as to how by the way, how would I know you're telling me the truth? How would I know you won't just stuff me in the brig. What guarantee do you have?" Ezra asked.

"My word is my guarantee." Thrawn replied.

"No. I brought you here for a reason. I'm not going to bring you back." Ezra said.

"Very well." At that very moment, the aft doors hissed open revealing quads of Stormtroopers at the other side. They ran in and surrounded Ezra within seconds. "Capture the Jedi, set all blasters to stun. We might be able to utilise him."

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