part 3

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The moment the Chimaera exited hyperspace, they were bombarded with hails, both from the planet below and the hundreds of ships orbiting it. From Chiss capital ships to frigates, the planet was almost covered in a layer of ships. This, managed to calm Thrawn a little, however the incoming fighters did not help.

"Commodore Faro, accept the hail." Thrawn said.

The hologram projector flickered, before showing a Chiss who wore a black uniform, just like Thrawn's many years before. The whole bridge was silent, all eyes were on both Chiss, looking at each other.

"I am Admiral Klarn'losho'mrausto of the Chiss Ascendancy, state who you are and your business here or you will be fired upon." The Chiss in the hologram said in basic, which surprised Thrawn he responded with the same language.

"Greetings, I am Mitth'raw'nuruodo. My crew and I have been-" Thrawn started before being interrupted by the Admiral.

"Mitth'raw'nuruodo?" He asked, surprise showing on his face Faro noted. It turns out not all Chiss were as composed as Thrawn after all. After the pause, he added. " Welcome back Admiral Mitth'raw'nuruodo."

"My apologies Admiral Klarn'losho'mrausto, I am here to seek assistance in repairing my vessel. My crew are also in need of medical attention." Thrawn said, eyeing the Admiral. "It is within Chiss customs and protocol to assist those in need." He added after seeing the hesitation of the other Admiral.

Klarn'losho'mrausto seemed weary before he turned to speak to his crew. The conversation was inaudible for the Chimeara's crew, leaving everyone on the bridge silent to hear their fate. After nodding to the other Chiss, the Admiral turned to face Thrawn once again, now without his sense of weariness.

"Very well. Proceed to station Alpha in sector 12, someone there is eager to see you." He salutes Thrawn and the transmission ends. Thrawn, slightly smiling, ordered his crew to do just that. This of course caught the attention of Faro who has never seen Thrawn show any sign of happiness.

"There is someone waiting to see you sir? Who is it?" Faro asked. Thrawn turned to face the viewport, the thin smile still present on his face.

"A friend."

Exiting the ChimearaThrawn, Faro and Kimmund walked past dozens of Chiss personnel, however, there was an exception. In the sea of blue, stood a human. With darker skin and dawning a black unifor, he stood out very evidently over the crowd of Chiss.

"Grand Admiral Mitth'raw'nuruodo."the man said, a slight emphasis on the rank.

"Commodore Vanto."Thrawn replied in the same tone.

"It's been long time."Vanto said, slightly smiling. "We've been busy when you were gone."

"I could see that."Thrawn said. Though his voice was still as monotonous as usual, his emotions were still present. A feeling of comfort, recollection, bliss. "You have rose-"

Suddenly, Eli opened his arms and held Thrawn in an embrace, a hug. This surprised everyone, the Chiss who were onlooking, Faro and Kimmund, and especially Thrawn. As equally surprising, he returned the hug. The embrace lasted for only a few seconds but seemed to have lasted the span of minutes.

After a few seconds of stunned silence, they let go. The world seemingly starts spinning again. Just like that, it was back to protocol and the current issues.

"A lot has changed since my absence." said Thrawn, looking around the hangar bay. A ship caught his eye, a ship very different to the others around it. "That ship, is that a new modal in the fleet?."

"It's not a standard modal. It's mine. " Vanto started, "It's a civilian craft, commonly found where I used to live. Armed with proton torpedo launchers, dual-laser cannons and top-of-the-line Chiss shielding, that craft could lay waste to a whole squadron of TIEs." Faro and Kimmund raised an eyebrow on that last part.

"I have something similar on the Chimeara." Thrawn said, taking another look at Eli's ship. "I would have to admit that the ship's design reminds of my own ship that was utilised all those years ago."

"Well it should, it is based-off of it. That ship of yours has been to Zakaal, Batuu, Serreno, there's a lot to learn from that design."

"Yes there is," Thrawn said, recollecting old memories. "Well, are you taking me to the bridge of this station?" he said, changing the subject. "I would like a complete analysis of the current situation."

"Of course. I'll lead the the way. Follow me." He gestured to Thrawn, Faro and Kimmund.

Behind Thrawn and Eli, Faro and Kimmund followed them loosely.

"Isn't that Eli Vanto?" Faro asked Kimmund after making sure they were beyond earshot.

"Sure seems like him." Kimmund said. "I thought the Admiral was exiled? Why did they just accept him back so easily?"

"Well, you heard the Admiral, it might just be their customs. Plus, what does it matter? We're getting the help we need." Faro said, eyes still looking ahead.

"I don't trust him."

"Well, you're welcomed to apply back to Vader's contingent." Faro said, turning to face Kimmund's white helmet. "If you ask me, you're lucky the Admiral requested you join the Chimeara. If you stayed under Vader's…"

"Careful there Commodore. Some might consider those words treasonous." Kimmund said, he too facing Faro. With that, both Faro and Kimmund looked ahead, unwilling to discuss anything further.

Still in the brig of the Chimeara, Ezra starts executing his plan of escape.

In his cell stood two guards and himself. He started meditating, moving deeper into the Force with each exhalation. He felt worry in himself. Worry for his family on Lothal. He also felt peace. Knowing he managed to drive the Imperial fleet away from them.

What's happening to them? Did I miss any other ships? No, stop it. They're fine. I can feel them. It was true. The Force helped him feel them all the way from where he was. They are safe. Another exhalation and he was again one with the Force. However, he still felt worried. No. Not him. The Stormtroopers. Going deeper into the Force allowed him to feel their feelings as well. He felt not just worry, but fear, anger, and anguish. Sometimes he often forgets that there is a person behind every white helmet.

He's going deeper. The Force surrounds us. He feels their worry for their families back home. It penetrates us. He feels their anger towards him and the other rebels on Lothal. A strong hatred. It binds the galaxy together. He feels their loss. The lost of their comrades, aboard the other ships in the fleet, aboard the station that blew up.

Then he too felt loss. The loss of his parents. He was back in the streets. He met the spectres. Every memory after that flashed in his mind. Another exhalation and it stopped. He opened his eyes to see the troopers still standing guard but something was different. He felt a connection. He had done it.

"You will open the cell doors, and escort me to the hangar." Ezra said to them, breaking the silence.

"We will open the cell doors and escort you to the hangar." The Stormtroopers repeated.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2020 ⏰

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