Chapter 3

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          Somewhere in the darkest depths of the universe, the real Nebulus has watched through his crystal ball the effects of the monster in the Imagination Pavilion being defeated by the Dreamfinder, Figment, Rachel, and Algar and then their arrival into this strange new world. But the one thing that has truly caught his attention is the glowing white figure that had appeared right out of the Bewilderness, fluttering about like a fairy as it falls to its knees. He didn't see the white figure change back into Rachel but assumes it to being Dreamfinder. His fists rest on the arms of his chair tightened but restrained. His glowing red eyes glare brightly at his prey. In spite of the beast's failure in capturing Dreamfinder, his mouth ironically grows big with a hidden enthusiasm. The sight of the white figure has somehow made him feel giddy.

"'ve finally shown your true colors, Blarion Mecurial." said Nebulus in a sly tone. "You're evolving."

"Master." A servant of Nebulus walks in as stiff as a tin soldier without oil. His gaze is blank, but straightforward and not even blinking. It's as if he is some kind of a trance. "The prisoner is becoming restless and Professor Nigel Channing has failed to capture the Dreamfinder."

"I know that! And I take that our dear Professor Eli isn't comfortable in his cell."

"Yes, Master."

"'s about time anyway. Send a platter of food to his cell and feed him. I will deal with Channing myself."

          As the servant leaves Nebulus in the dark, Dr. Channing walks hesitantly inside. He inches his way to the other side of the crystal ball, trembling throughout every fiber of his being. His arms vibrate, his legs shake, his back is locked and his eyes are wide in the suspending awkward silence of his failure. But Dr. Channing tries to keep a straight face. He purses his lips as he tries to watch every movement Nebulus would make in this black atmosphere.

"You've failed me again, Dr. Channing." Nebulus brings up in a dark expression.

"I-I-I-I'm sorry, Nebulus-uh, Master...sir." Channing stutters. "I tried to get him, but-"

"Don't waste your breath! I know what happened. You were attacked by a young woman whom you've failed to dispose of. And from what I've heard, she is the same girl that Elias had tested her with. So that's TWICE the times you've failed to kill her."

"There was nothing I could do, Master! She was just too strong and-"

"SILENCE!" Nubulus shouts, as he jumps from his chair and watches Channing cringe with fear at his feet. "I care not of your pitiful losses! Your incompetence has slowed us down once again!" Nebulus slowly sits back down on his chair and glares back into the crystal ball, grinning devilishly and playing his fingers to his left cheek. The white figure is still in Nebulus' vision with its aura flickering brightly as a candle and moving with grace."Just look at it, Channing." he said. "The Tomorrow's Child swimming about in the air like an angelfish in the sunlight. It's beautiful. And soon it will be mine."

"Master." Channing stutters. "What do you intend to do with this Tomorrow's Child? What's the purpose in obtaining it?"

"You dope! The Tomorrow's Child is the single most powerful being known to my people, said to be even more powerful than I. If I am not careful, the Tomorrow's Child could destroy me. But if I play my cards just right, however, the Tomorrow's Child could be of great use to my advantage. Its power will become my power once I catch it and contain it along with the Dreamfinder and all of the other figures I had captured, just as I had done with your friend. Still, they seem to have found your friend's journal, which contains a good amount of details of my weaknesses and what I strive for. If they all read whatever is inside that book, they'll likely take the upper hand in their stead and foil everything for sure."

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