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I didn't meant to kill her. I was paralysed from my own actions. I was standing here, in the middle of the night in a forest, looking to the body in front of me. What happened? I killed her, that's for sure. I gave a glaze to my hands who were covered in blood, my nails were filthy, my arms did hurt... As soon as I started to realize what happened I panicked and ran away from the body, trying to get my way out of the forest. After a long night, I finally came home. It was 5 AM when I opened my door and let myself in. With a weird feeling, I walked into the bathroom, undressed me and took a long, hot shower.

I didn't know what I had to do with my clothes, who were also covered in blood, I could wash them, but the blood spots would stay in my white shirt. I sighed, it was a sight full of nervousness and fear. I grabbed all my clothes together, went to the fireplace and threw them in it before I put the fire on.

I was only two hours home yet when I heard the bell. Couldn't they leave me alone, just for once? I put some other clothes on than just some underwear and walked to the front door. I opened the door and thought that I was hallucinating. She was here... I thought that she was dead, I thought that I killed her. But here she stands, alive and well at my front door. You could see all the spots were I hit her. Where I bit her in her neck... But the thing that terrified me the most was that her eyes were gone. You could see her eye-sockets.

Before I knew it, I slammed the door shut and ran to my room, mumbling: 'Please let this be a dream'... But the worse part was, I knew this wasn't a dream and that I killed a beloved one.

It's five years later after that night, I don't remember much of it. But every year I see her again. Always at the same spot, always at the same time. And no one ever believes me...
I know it sounds unbelievable, but the very next day after that night I went to the police, told everything and they laughed at me. Telling that there was no one missing, that I was making a pretty good joke. I've never felt so humiliated.

But I'm getting used to it. I still see her in my dreams and once a year she does all those horrible things back to me, but no one will ever believe it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2020 ⏰

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