December 11th 2014

55 2 0

Ok so today was rainy as hell!! Like we never ever get thus much rain! Its flodding and it's supposed to be the 'Storm of the Centurie' according to news reports. But I've see much more rain in different places. But today was also kinda weird. A girl in my class named Taylor befriended me. She one of the cheerleaders and I always thought she hated me. But she's really nice and everything. But yes that was strange! Um. Oh my crush Kaihan (Kay-haun) asked out my friend Olivia, and I told her I liked him but then Joey one of Kaihan's friends overheard me and told Kaihan. So that's probably gonna be a disaster. Lol!! But I think Kaihan and Olivia are perfect for each other. But yeah, I am a little jelly of Olivia. Lol. But that was pretty much it...... Hahah!!! Bye love all my followers!! ❤

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