January 9, 2014- A bad day

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Okay today was horrible in the morning!!!! I mom yelled at me BC I said I had to to my make up or else I'd get made fun of then she started yelling saying "Fuck your Fake ass make up!!!! Why the fuck do you beileive make up will make you prettier?!!??" Then my papa was all of a sudden mad at me and he came to pick me up and when we arrived at NY place, I thought he was coming in with me so I sat there and waited for him and chris. Then all of a sudden he yelled "GET OUT!!! THIS IS YOUR FUCKING APARTMENT RIGHT?!?!?!" I was like jeez bitch calm your dick! So I got out and said "Bye." And slammed the door. Ugh. But just seeing Kristen made me happy. I swear she is my sunshine!! Thanks kgouldling your the best. Bit anyway that's for the support guys bye!

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