Ch 1 Is this the end of humanity

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I woke up with great struggle yet again,
Oh god I want a full solid 6 hours sleep but the reminder that this is not home keeps me from getting any attachment to my dorm room what so ever.
I look at my wall clock and it reads 5:00 am what the hell is wrong with me five in the freaking Sunday morning .
This insomnia is not getting any better with time I have been here for at least 1 year and no changes at all in my sleep pattern,
I must see a therapist because I really don't want to depend on Temazepam even if that's the only real solution but even as a doctor I don't rely on medication as much as others.

I quickly descend to the washroom stalls on postgraduate floor ,
nothing better than to complete my weekly rituals I quickly wash week worth of clothes and completed my bath in an hour .
I really love this time when I can do my work without any interference .

Hostel life is great but I miss home I don't have any problem with doing my work but I enjoy solitary more than that ,
there is always a buzz at hostel most of the time ,
Sometimes you love that and other times its only so much you can take.

But today is really weird I can't hear anything there is this stillness that is really creeping me out.
Being the curious type I decided to check this odd feeling and locked my room and approached the guard cabin but what I saw had me horrified beyond anything in my life.

The body of the guard was melting inside out, not even the bones were spared by whatever he consumed .
The horrific scene had not prepared me to face yet another body just outside the guard cabin which was more ashes than anything else.

I ran away to call emergency as fast as possible to the hospital,
well that's the perks of living in hospital dorms of our college.

But the site that greeted me was more brutal than anything else there were ashes or melting body scattered everywhere .
I could not comprehend what was actually going on everywhere,
I got back to dorm and checked what I already know everywhere there were only ashes or melting bodies littered in rooms.

I called home and I was heartbroken to only hear the ringing sound from the other side,
this can't be happening now this is some sick joke or my worst nightmare.

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