Chapter 1

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I breathed in and out as I opened my door to my apartment. I can't believe they went so overboard?! Now how am I suppose to pay rent this month! This is just great.

I walked to the bathroom and started up a bath and stripped away my torn up clothes. Putting my toe in the water to make sure it was hot enough I decided it was the right temperature and got in.

Relaxing my sore body in the warm water felt great. It wasn't even 15 minutes soaking and I heard a knock at the door.

God damn it! I just got relaxed! Who the fuck is it now?! I drained the water and got out of the bathtub to dry off and put on my robe. I harshly grabbed the silky flowered robe and tied it tightly around my waist.

The knocking didn't stop and my patience was running thin. "SHUT THE FUCK UP! I'M COMING ASSHOLE!" I screamed down the hall that lead towards the door.

Gripping the handle I pulled out the door to yell at the person but instead my jaw dropped when I saw three men standing there. Mest a guy from the magic council, I really didn't give a shit out him but the other two I did. It was none other than MIDNIGHT AND COBRA!

Why in the flying monkey balls are these two here?! My jaw almost dropped but I then clenched it tightly and moved my eyes towards the other man.

I heard whispering and giggling from the other two men that stood behind Mest. I mentally rolled my eyes and faced my attention towards Mest, not to mention keep checking me out. Well you know what it's not my fault that you idiots interrupted my relaxing time.

"Eyes up here Mest." I spat out glaring at the man who couldn't get his eyes off my breast.

"Oh right I'm sorry miss Lucy." He sheepishly apologized. It didn't seem like it to me. I keep my glare locked into his eyes.

"Your right about that blondie and we aren't idiots." I heard a deep husky voice come from behind Mest. I looked behind the blushing Mest towards the person who said that.

"Whatever." I turned my head towards Mest. "Are you gonna answer my question or did you just knock on my door just to check me out,uh?" I crossed my arms over my chest and raised my eyebrow looking at the beat red man in front of me. This is the fucking reason why I hate men.

"I wouldn't do that blondie perverted thoughts are going through his head. Not all men are bad." Cobra hissed out pressing his lips together forming a smirk.

"Does it look like a give a damn Cobra." I spat back narrowing my eyes at him.

"Sorry about him but um the magic council has decided that you'll be taking care of these two for about a year or two maybe even three it just depends on how they behave and then after that they'll be released." Mest finally looked serious. I nodded my head as I digested the information.

"Have you talked to my master? Or my team?" I asked seriousness coated my voice.

"No but we will send out letters. You can't go on missions with your team while your babysitting these two." He calmly stated. He must be expecting me to freak out but I'm not really and that's only because I can finally get money to pay for rent and for another reasons.

"Well with that I'll leave them in your care. If you have any questions feel free to ask." He handed me a card. I took it and gazed at it before nodding my head. I was gonna thank him but he was already gone. Go figure.

"Come on in. I'll be right out in a bit I have to change into PJ's then I'll make us some supper alright." I turned my body and walked in the room. I heard the door close.

"Make sure to lock the door and please don't get into any of my stuff if you want there's movie's over there if you wanna watch something." I pointed to the movies. The two of them nodded their heads. I turned on my heel and left.

Well I guess this is how I'm gonna spend the next two or three years of my life. It could be worse and thank the lord it wasn't. I thought as I walked to my room to change. Well just see what the future brings.

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