Chapter 2

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"Cobra do you know what that stupid women is doing? She's taking forever and I'm starving." I growled towards Midnight. I can't stand his fucking complaining anymore. It would all go away if I could just kill him. My lips pulled back into a fake smile. I turned my head towards him.

"No matter how much you wanna kill me Cobra it won't happen." He spoke out sleepily.

"I won't kill you Midnight not yet anyways." I casually spoke out. I heard some footsteps coming from the hall so I turned my head towards the area.

Midnight didn't respond back so I figured he fell asleep. I rolled my eyes. He's so annoying. I could literally hear him snoring.

"Ugh....What do you guy's want for supper?" I looked up from were the soft voice came from. Blondie who was babysitting us was a couple feet in front of me. She was currently pulling on a pink sweater that almost touched her knees covering up the small blue tank top and now she's wearing a long pink sweater and fuzzy polka dot pajama pants.

I eye her up and down and smirked. It was quite amusing actually knowing a women you fought and who is around 20 or 21 years old is wearing polka dot pajama pants.

"Why are you looking at me like that you weirdo!?" She shot out in disgust. I watched as her lips moved upwards into fish lips and her nose scrunched up.

I snorted a bit. It's fun messing around with this girl she's to easy to rile up. I stood up and walked towards the kitchen. Blondie on the other hand had a fly swatter in her hand and slowly followed after me.

"W-hat a-re you th-inking?" She stammered out. Quickly Lucy grabbed a pan to cover herself with. Ah man maybe he's gonna kill me. Me and my bad luck it's gonna kill me some day?!

I chuckled a bit as I heard her thoughts. "Don't worry I'm not gonna kill you more like make us supper as you wake up that idiot over there." I reassured the confused blondie.


I looked at the maroon haired guy confused by his words. I really thought he was gonna kill me but I guess not. What confused me even more is why would he want to cook for us? And why do I have to wake up Midnight?

"Quite complaining and go wake hin up." I heard Cobra growl towards me. I'm not complaining jerk!

I narrowed my heads at his head. "Calling me a jerk and narrowing your eyes at me won't help your situation blondie." I literally could feel him roll his eyes as he said that sentence. I suck out my tongue at him and walked towards Midnight before he could say some smartass saying.

I could hear him chuckle from the kitchen and I rolled my eyes.

"Midnight....Midnight wake up Cobra told me to wake you up." I lightly shook him. A light groan escaped his lips causing a pink blush to form on my face. I shook my head to clear the thoughts that were forming in my head.

"Midnight! Midnight!" I shook him a bit harder. Slowly his eyes opened revealing his dark blood red eyes.

"What do you want?" He mumbled out sleepily. Slowly he turned to his side facing me. I was currently in a squatting position and my face was a couple feet away from his. Midnight smirked a bit as he propped his head up on his hand.

My face was showing a display of bright red. "I he asked me to wake you up because he was making supper." I stuttered out. Man why am I suddenly completely embarrassed I have nothing to be embarrassed about. Mentally I shook my thoughts away and looked at him sternly.

"Well then ain't this a pleasure to be woken up by a pretty girl like yourself." Midnight's voice was silky smooth and a tad bit husky. His eyebrow raised towards my red face. He's teasing me!

"Stop teasing me!" I spit out utterly embarrassed. I stood up and fast walked towards the kitchen table were the food was sitting.

You know now that I'm thinking about what happened not that long ago...Why the hell wasn't Midnight shocked when I told him that cobra was making us supper?

I sat down and stared at my food. It looks delicious! There on my plate was two pancakes, a couple pieces of bacon and cheesy hashbrowns in front of me was orange juice.

"Um thanks for the meal Cobra!" I exclaimed eagerly wanting to dig into my food.

Cobra chuckled a bit and nodded his head as he sat down across from me. I looked up at him and smiled.

Midnight came in shortly sitting right beside me. Both men scarfed down their food. I on the other hand took one bite and let the food melt in my mouth before I quicken up my pace.

I was the first one done and both men looked at me in shock. I smiled at them both, "Thanks again Cobra." Then got up to put my dishes in the sink.

"Yea don't mention it." He muttered out in shock. How the fuck can this girl eat so fast faster than us and still not look like a pig or look like a mess?! Completely shocked the both of us.

"Well I'm going to bed you two. If you need anything just ask. Also there's a room down the hall with two beds in it if you wanna bring your stuff in and sleep in." She smiled and walked away.

The two boys sat there still shocked by what they witnessed. After awhile both men got up and set their dirty dishes in the sink and grabbed their stuff in the living room so they could get comfortable in the room they both have to share.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2020 ⏰

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