Chapter 1 (first part)

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In highschool Dean is the bad boy. Every girl swooned over him. How could they not? From his muscles to his tattoos. The big plus was how much of a sweetheart he was to his little brother, Sam. Dean was well known throughout the school but no one really knew about his and Sam's "family business". They both agreed they would do everything in their power to shield people with a normal life from the sick world they knew. Dean and Sam have different ways of coping with the evil in the world. Sam, believes there is a God and angels. If there's evil there must be good, right? Dean figured there is no good in the world. He fought demons everyday but not once has he seen an angel or any work of God.
Things in heaven are changing quite a bit. God wants his angels to experience human life. He wants his two most favorite and loved creations to live in harmony amongst each other. Neither party truly understood how the other one acted or lived.
Castiel and Anna were the lucky angels to be picked to live a teenager highschool life. The only rules they were given was to not let their identity be known to regular humans and to kill any demon they came across. It seemed all so simple. Little did Castiel know, he was about to also experience human emotions that he is not ready for.

(I'll post the continuation of this chapter which is much longer if I get some reads and stuff 😃😃)

Hunters meet AngelsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant